Can't take it anymore. I became a premium member because of Dasha and now I only get to see her when she is with this fugly narcissist and his ugly dangling piece of useless limp flesh. I will let my membership expire.
My guess is the seven month scripted production of THE REBIRTH OF DASHA has peaked and come to a close. They are now off choreograghing the next song and dance routine.
I see on the replay thumb the creeper and pass around Dasha had sex. Let me see if I can guess how it played out...Masha left with the guests, the creeper ran in the bathroom and took his pharmaceuticals, they went to the couch to play the board game until the pill kicked in, hugged and kissed and groped for the non-subscribers, then went to the bedroom to fuck. How close am I?
I see they're back.. also see nobody gave a shit...good for us. Was hoping with Masha's new hair and the creeper's clown-like wardrobe they ran off to join the circus, and took pass-around Dasha with them.
Didn't we just see this same scene 2 weeks ago..Masha leaves, D&S fuck, Masha finds out, pretends to be mad, M&D fuck, Sasha gets punished..getting old