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Everything posted by Mutt496

  1. That's at least the third guy RLC has sent to the plate...so far nobody on base.
  2. He's a creeper...but he's smart enough to hang back with Holly and Masha.
  3. I'm guessing RLC told these girls to start earning their keep. That's why Lola was crying and has been walking around naked ever since.
  4. WTF....Lucian...Carlos...Anthony...Bruno...Timur...Daniel...must be a rule to have one stalker at every big party!
  5. After Ulyana's last stay I'm sure she did rehab. When I browsed the B2 party the other night I didn't notice any drug use ( and Gina/Bruno were there). RLC must have told everyone that's the law now if Ulyana is around.
  6. Been watching Radi on the trampoline. She is so awesome!
  7. Yep...I'm gonna be done. It's been a long time since this many girls at a party. Was actually looking forward to it.
  8. No doubt...Tereza sleeping so she can party until 8am again.
  9. Say what you want...but, Masha has become the Mayor of Wackytown!
  10. Lola left early for her usual 10:00 "meet and greet".
  11. I hope the cocaine and botox have a chemical reaction and Gina's face falls off...that would bring some excitement to this apartment.
  12. I predict in the coming months that Stella's heart explodes before Gina's!😉
  13. Is that bearded dickweed the guy from Babi's 3sum?
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