A plane was about to crash with 5 passengers on board and only 4 parachutes. The 1st passenger said: 'I am Kobe Briant, the best basketball player in the NBA, the LA Lakers need me and therefore I cannot die.' So he took the first parachute and jumped out of the plane; Second passenger Hillary Clinton said: 'I am the wife of the former US president, senator from New York and a potential future president.' Then she took the second parachute and jumped out of the plane; Third passenger, George W. Bush, said: 'I am the President of the USA. I have great responsibilities for being the leader of a superpower and I'm the smartest president in US history, so the American people don't want me to die.' - So he took the parachute and jumped out of the plane. The 4th passenger, the Pope, told the fifth passenger - a little 10-year-old girl: 'I am old and weak and I don't have many years left and I must sacrifice my life and leave you the last parachute.' . Then the girl said: 'It's okay Papa, you still have a parachute left for you. The smartest president in US history jumped with my school bag!....'