Well, it's probably been at least a couple of hours into it. Unless they did more, they should start to wind down to some extent in the next hour or so.
Well, I checked all of the other apt! Davie and Carrie are up and naked, but just watching tv adn hanging out. Violet is up in the dark on her phone. That's it. So, there you go Misty, the floor is yours for at least several more hours.
I'm sure it will be eventually. But there's not way I'm wasting half a day to see it . They probably have another 6 hours of rolling to do before winding down.
Ok, have fun watching them rolling. Looks more like a broken record to me. That dancing makes me dizzy. Like I said, tomorrow, I'll fast forward to cum shot(s) and have a laugh!
To be honest they do a lot of start and stop stuff there too. But, you're right they do tend to get goiing to the end once they get as far as they got here.
Yes, and it will continue to be for X number fo hours. These girls are here to make money pure and simple! If they were here for the sex it would be happening right now. They are playing thier stupid games for views ($$$)!