I guess nothing will happen until Candy wakes up. I hate the way these parties work out. It's like the sex is the last thing when it should be the first and the second, and the third. You know all night long.
Thx! ooopel! Let's just say, I've learned my lesson about those tweets. They are not meant for us, they are meant for non-CC people. It's best to take them with a huge grain of salt.
The best guy on VH has got to be Jeff! He fucks like his life depended on it until he cums and then it's over. Not too long, not to short, just about right every time.
I have no idea what you guys see in Logan that is so awesome. He fucks in clothes, under blankets, in bad view of the cams and can't ever seem to have an orgasm. What's so great about that? Oh yay! He can do it for long time as if starting and stoping while fucking for hours is some great feat. Blah!
When I was 20 I looked very similar to Em, except maybe taller. I'm 5' 10". I was in college and I weighed 118 pounds and I'm the same white color she is. I may need to get her another chance. My issue is Sid. Uh!