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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. Cause they don't know what to do. Jeka told them to be interesting and make fun for views to make more money.
  2. Ohhhhh fuck Ash! So sexy! You'll never look at yourself the same way again. Sorry 😘 Yes, back in Hawaii again. Will be here till Saturday. In the last month or so, I've been to Palm Springs twice, Long Beach, San Diego, Nashville, New York City, Las Vegas, Phoenix, Irvine, and Hawaii. I love to travel. I'd trade everything to be you in your little bikini bridge body though. I know it's sounds pitiful. Remember a while back when I told you that I felt tortured with the desire to have sex with all of the hot women I see at the mall? I wasn't entirely being honest. See, the thing is this, I don't want to have sex with them nearly as much as I want to BE them. So for me it's that agony of an impossible desire that results in a spark of jealousy and sadness along side the excitement and opportunity. It's not entirely as horrible as it sounds otherwise I'd never leave my house. Anyways, there is some deep insight into what it's like to be a transsexual. It's not all bad though, the highs are quite amazing. When you've been this way since 12 it's hard to know what normal is actually supposed to feel like.
  3. More then likely a drama plot for views. These people know each other well enough to have already fucked off cam many, many times.
  4. She is depending on the cams for protection. I personally don't believe all of these guys are strangers to her. I think she has a very thick black book of guys for booty calls when she needs to feel special, I mean cope.
  5. Huh? She got fucked in every way possible by Alex a day ago.
  6. I would be hiding too of I was only making 1/5 after Jeka's 50%. Seems like peanuts to me.
  7. Doh! I knew it! Arrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! I can't see who did it and since Ash commented right after I assumed it was her. If it helps I cherish you too Nack! I do. 💗
  8. Ash, you were my 7000th like. I cherish it. ❤️
  9. Looks like Jeka found my rules for naming tenants. Generally speaking they meet the all criteria. Maybe not #5 so much. 1. No more then 5 letters. 2. Can't have been used before. 3. Can't be the name of a regular CC member. 4. It has to either be catchy or have some meaning that can make it easy to remember. 5. It should be fairly obvious if it's a man or womans name.
  10. Uh oh! Yes, I'll admit it, I have a wandering eye. No, of course she didn't see me, I have an uncanny ability to become totally invisible. It's true! So, can you make a bikini bridge? You must know how horny that makes guys. And btw, if the girl has a bit of hair down there there it's more fun to spot. The one I saw was totally shaved.
  11. Sorry thought you were giving me a hard time about comments that aren't about sex, sex, sex. Hawaii is awesome. I was standing on the boardwalk and in front of me was this super hot girl laying out with a bikini bridge. Of course I am eyeballing the hell out of her and then all of the sudden she adjusts her bikini and pulls it all the way out. My heart sank. 😍
  12. Well Nack, you could just screen the timeline and see what's happening in video? Sorry if my comments ruin your joy here.
  13. Thx! Probably a good idea not to require a membership from everyone. Would make it hard to get new people in the door. Sorry you're having to deal with RLC. CC is the best! I would suggest you put all of the RLC forums under 1 link on the home page. They don't deserve to have all of the apts listed in its own category.
  14. How long before we all have to be premium membership to post comments? I'm sure this is coming next.
  15. How absolutely ridiculous is that! I'm sure people are going to be completely entranced and captivated by the deep and meaningful conversations in the RLC boards and will continue to subscribe in droves. RLC is dead to me and should be to you as well. Slap in your face!
  16. Sorry Tay, but unless your image is on the web, you're a fraud. Everyone go to Bing.com image search, turn off safe search. Type in Homemade Wife Boobs and viola about 4 images down, Tay's pic will be. 😎 Here, I'll help. http://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=%2fC3WQU3b&id=6D15D555C6F7B21220C205BFEDF03280453CC52C&thid=OIP._C3WQU3bpz0cPUwa1nRKNgEsDf&q=homemade+wife+boobs&simid=608024438543483199&selectedIndex=2&ajaxhist=0
  17. Much love to you Jabbath. Sorry, new life rules in effect. In about 9 days my VH sub expires too. I'll be around listening and commenting according my new life rules. BTW, Aloha everyone I'll be sure to scope out the ladies on your behalf! 🌸
  18. Misty contacts John's and they ask, "How much?" And she says, "It's free, you just have to do it on cam!". I know that would be ridiculous, of course there is a charge too. Duh! Lol I'm so bad! 👿
  19. No problem. I could see how you could misinterpret what I was saying.
  20. Ok, back in my hole before I get ripped for hijacking the forum. 💋
  21. I don't want to tell the tenants what to do, I want to tell the managers what they should do to make their apt better.
  22. While I'm at it, I want to support Golfer's idea that the timeline views and archive views should count as views. It would eliminate the need to perform when the other tenants are performing. Also, it would prevent the tenants from stringing out the action for views. Think Anna and Alex taking 4-6 hours to do something.
  23. A perfect example of what I'm talking about. The VH forum should really be sorted by manager, not just by apt. There should be a "contact the manager" section under each apt and viola! Constructive feedback make positive change happen. If VH doesn't like the idea of support on CC, then the support tickets on VH should have an option to be directed towards the manager with VH copied.
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