I'm going to try and make some gifs or videos if I can figure out how. I'm not a premium member, on CC but I'll see of I can get Golfer to post them for me. Marc acted like a testosterone ragged mother fucker.
At 00:33:33 he drags Susen through his bedroom door and shives her to the ground. She gets up and tries to go back in the room and he grabs her and shoves her on the bed.
She already had a bandage on her wrist before this event. Must have been recent cause she was nursing it and she was obviously in pain.
I really think she's coming around. Judd is just an animal in bed. Not!
Heidi got a little taste of what she has been doing to us for a month. Sucks doesn't it babe!
Golfer a few minutes ago she looked like she was about to go to sleep and then she was like fuck it and tried waking him up again. Can you gif that moment. Hilarious!