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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. Amy3

    Tver - Split 7

    I believe VV is smart enough to play a solid game of checkers, but I don't think they could pull off the 3D chess moves that you're talking about. If I'm wrong, kudos to VV for successfully fooling us all. I just don't see it happening.
  2. Amy3

    Tver - Split 7

    I don't think that's good enough proof. I can totally see it being true, but there's just too many differences in style for me to believe it. My best guess is that possibly VH was started by Kent, from the Kent and Gerda era. He went on strike at the end and at the last moment tried to convince Petra and VV that a model which very closely resembles VH could work. His idea was to have real people just let them install cams in their own place. This way the company wouldn't have to deal with the overhead of having to rent apartments. Plus, apartments could pop up anywhere, maybe even across the globe. I'm pretty sure that this was Kent's idea. I just don't know for certain if it's him or not, but I don't think VV went along with the idea and told him to fuck off. Also, several tenants that migrated to VH said that they did so because they thought VV management were either assholes or were not supporting them. Why would they jump from the frying pan into the fryer?
  3. Amy3

    Tver - Split 7

    That's just a rumor. Can you prove it?
  4. Amy3

    Tver - Split 7

    I just can't believe people still show up. But they do. I guess money talks. I just wonder if VV has had to increase the payout for talent while at the same time take a hit on the subscriptions. Website hits don't lie. Traffic is way down.
  5. Either way Jeka will come home too tired to do anything and the girls will watch tv and drink until they fall asleep. 99% chance of nothing.
  6. Actually, it looked like they were going to an event. I wonder if anyone asks for an autograph?
  7. Our lovely Anna is getting dolled up for the next show.
  8. Nope, no one knows why she did it. I agree, Bean, until she apologizes or explains herself, she'll remain a bitch. As for Jerka, I totally agree, he handled terribly.
  9. Amy3


    The winner of VV is always Sonia.
  10. Amy3

    Tver - Split 7

    We already know that Iris is a faker bisexual.
  11. Hey, you don't know for sure if Mira had it coming to her. Maybe Sara settled a score?
  12. Yep, agreed! Better cams and better angles on the tenants. Winner!
  13. Yea, let hope he doesn't start throwing knives at her. Humiliation seems to work for her though. Maybe she could be his pet for a day.
  14. Anyone want to take a stab at what they are going to do today?
  15. I have to agree unless she wants to somehow explain to us why she isn't. I hold out some hope that Mira somehow had it coming. Also, Sara was clearly drunk and acting stupid all around. But, without an apology or an explanation she'll remain in the bitch category.
  16. Yes, even I can agree with that. Colors are way to sharp creating too much contrast and it makes it look clownish. But when you're going to be a dark club, it doesn't look that way nearly as much as it does in the light. Sara is wearing pantyhose under those jeans too. Her body is so nice.
  17. I don't think Jeka drinks alcohol. Does he? We know that Sara likes to drink and spill beer.
  18. Raya, but that's ok. Let us know when Sara jumps in the shower. That's the hallmark to a subsequent sex session.
  19. Which one is the new hero? I agree about the darkness, but is there better apt out there then this one at the moment?
  20. I know. Anna's body can take a lot, but you're right he isn't well trained enough to be doing some of things he does to her. For example, any idiot could tell the chair contraption he made was totally unsafe. If it had collapsed Anna could have easily broken her arms, legs, neck, you name it. Not to mention the risk of internal damage from ramming objects into her, which frequently have touched the nasty dirty ground before going inside of her. It's all an accident waiting to happen.
  21. I'm telling you they are well on the road to exactly this. Alex is going to love it, but not nearly as much as Anna is.
  22. Oh don't be acting like you've never done that. ?
  23. Million dollar question right there. Hmmm, once you're burned out on bdsm where next? Oh, I know. Mistress Anna and the cuckold Alex. Time for a new audience then, but hey! Horizons must be expanded once you've reached that point.
  24. They really should play back the VH feed on the tv so they can see what the cams see. I'm sure VH could spot them a sub for this.
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