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Everything posted by zone51

  1. looks like there is activity for one time in this apartment for change 🙂
  2. with the politic of rlc there is alot of chances she will return later one more time don't worry for that, we start to know how is the management of the girls apartments
  3. I think she have spend already 6 months on rlc with her past vacation here it's longer
  4. not sad also Iam happy to see her leaving, time for fresh blood and not another recycle girl pls
  5. I have spend more time to watch alana during the past days than watch B4 during the last three months and it's not with lorraine the thing will change
  6. and btw if it's an apartment managed by alex/lina I will not watch, this manager is on my shitlist I boycott all his apartments
  7. the manager can't resist to put the bathroom cam for the birds one more time this is crazy
  8. I remember her very good now, try remember the party in the big bedroom with elly,megan, rocco and another girl and sorry to say that but lorraine is pretty boring, elly was better at the end of her vacation, not excited at all to see the new girl is lorraine or maybe she have change and she have more to offer this time
  9. this lorraine was good during her last vacation here? I see her in the kitchen and the last thing I remember with her it's not much to see with her
  10. ah yes the blond I think was elly sorry I am wrong, it's hard to remember whith all the girls
  11. you are probably right, camcaps is the minority of the vh members but I think what we can say is a part of response of this graphic for me, we are not totally wrong
  12. VV what a nightmare this site and their shitty support, I know one guy worked for VV before moved on VH when the site was just created (I think it's alex), listen your members is just essential, the VH support answer faster but not many actions from them with the all suggestions we can do
  13. if I remember good loraine is the blond girl was here with megan and rocco?
  14. * the first priority for me is introduce multi-screens and motion detection features like rlc because it's a pain to surfing on VH (already contacted the support for that but they don't have time for that😑 !) * setting the cameras and the light by a professionnal and not by amateurs managers know nothing about that (too far cameras,bird views, bad light) *listen more the members about all the cameras problem and fixe this faster * put the couples the members want to see (isa/bart for example they are popular) * and an important thing for me it's stop open apartments again and again with russians ukranians peoples etc..., I want see people speak english,deutch,french etc...in different country *and last thing is upgrade the video quality, stop to continue put some old cameras in some apartments, they have to invest in better cameras this is the first things coming in my mind right now
  15. this type of things happens frequently when you drink too much
  16. the party start more early week after week, soon the party will start at 1.00 pm for be sure to not having problem with the noise and the neightbor 😄
  17. this is my last day today of suscription and I have zero envy to renew, VH don't listen their members on many problems and continue in the same direction, there is many progress to do on many points on the site but nothing change
  18. after the big party of the first night now this apartment is dead it was previsible, just one couple for live in big apartment like this it's not good and the boring routine come faster
  19. with the sunshine start come in spain there is no reason for her to leave already 🙂 we start to enter in a good season
  20. the departure of sera soon will be a great news for B1 because ginger will be more closer with angelina now and it can be interesting 🙂
  21. ok,I see I am not alone to have all this problem,sometime it's working good and 5 mn later it's lagging very bad, it happens frequently everydays in the end of the day, the only answer I got is: "is it better now" ! my answer is sometime yes sometime no they have clearly servers problem for me and when I ask for compensation days I have no answer !
  22. have you contacted the rlc support for this lagg problem? I did today but the problem continue for the moment on some cameras, more we are to contact the rlc support and more is good
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