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Everything posted by zone51

  1. or keep only one party girls apartment (B4) it's sufficiant, don't need to have 3 party girls place it was the big tendance during a period these girls apartments but now it's time to turn the page and offer someting new on the site
  2. if my info is correct the first RLC plan was to open a new apartment with Piper and Taylor
  3. and it's just the beginning with this shit Covid-19 so the RLC plans could be stopped for another year
  4. i post this answer here with the rlc support: i asked them if they planned to add new apartments in the future and this is the answer i got Hello, Thank you for contacting us. We have plans to add new apartments, but we cannot provide you with information about terms at the moment. -- Support Team, reallifecam.com Well the big question is when....it's a year RLC did not add new apartments so you know the promises of RLC....i prefer waiting, i think it's the best thing to do for the moment
  5. RLC getting worse day after day and the price stay the same ! 9 apartments left before close the door do you remember the period when we had around 25-30 apartments on RLC... it was the good old days when a apartment go in vacation it's a real problem for the site now because of the lack of apartments the site have now sorry but RLC is dead now
  6. the question i have : is it the most important and priority to renovate B4? for my part i think the priority for RLC should be to open new apartments before doing that the RLC site is dead because of the lack of content
  7. if it's Nelly and Bogdan do this renovation we can wait 6 months for sure before see B4 back online
  8. but if i remember good the reopening of B1 was not planned when they closed this apartment, they had no announcment of that when B1 was closed, maybe i'm wrong, for B2 the renovation took almost a month i think
  9. it's a big villa, i think that will take alot of weeks but my hope is to have a roomates villa after with spanish girls 🤞
  10. i am checking the RLC price but he is still the same, no discount premium offer during this period for the moment
  11. edit: the villa requires renovation and will be back soon with other participants i think that will take minimum a month
  12. nope offline, B4 is not anymore listed now and no update from RLC
  13. you know the best thing to do for RLC is refresh B4 and transform this house to a roomates house with spanish girls or close B4 and open a new apartment for roomates with spanish girls having 2 apartments for girls on vacations and one for couples on vacation it's sufficiant
  14. RLC joue aux chaises musicales ils n'ont plus trop d'idées ils tournent en rond
  15. this is why i'm taking only a month suscription sometimes for avoid this type of bad surprise you are more free
  16. 20 dollars or 20 euro you choose but this is the maximum i'm ready to pay now for RLC with the replay if the things stay like this
  17. 20 $ with the replay includes this is the price of RLC if they close B4
  18. probably offline soon, that would be good from RLC to update the news for us for what they want to do with B4, closed or a long maintenance well it's time for RLC to reduce the price again because we lose all the girls of B4 + Baby yesterday, RLC worth max 20 $ right now with replay includes
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