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Everything posted by DWI

  1. Well, maybe we can be hopeful that the sexy bathtub and bedroom tease between Megan and Martina can be continued.
  2. As far as I know, subs can request real names via pm as long as they never publish it for the sake of security issues to the named participant.
  3. Another great day watching Martinal socializing with some of her old friends. Its's really nive to be able to see her being able to talk to Gina in Spanish...I forgot Gina was so fluent in speaking the language. I also note that Martina gave Wednesday her real name when introduced but I couldn't quite catch it. Can somebody pm me if they know Martina's real name. Thanks.
  4. I noticed Martina gave Wednesday her real name but I could not quite understand it. Someone once gave me Martina's real name but I lost that pm. Could someone pm me again if you know Martina's real name...I kind of remember it was a really short name. Thanks in advance.
  5. This is a wonderful day for all Martina fans. To see her socializing with other RLC tenants is a joy. I think it is something all of us have been waiting for for a very long time. Despite the language barrier it seems really clear that she has a great personality and is quite captivating in social situatians. But even more than that, to see her at Karol and Kos's place, after all these months, just feels so right. I hope that there will be a friendship beteen Martina and Alberto and Karol and Kos. As for anything sexual between Martina and Megan, I don't see that happening, even though I would love to see it. I am not convinced that Martina and Nelly are still not having sex off-camera...but of course, it would not shock me to see Martina and Megan resume their original tryst on the bathroom night. For me, even if there is no sex involved, Martina is a joy to watch when she just socializes with others. I hope today is a portend to come.
  6. Hi Philo, Well, I do agree with you here...its all about reasonable, logical, circumstantial evidence and a little bit of intuition vs. fantasy and low probability wishful thinking. Because there is so much we don't know involving Martina's life outside the apartment, its frustrating...and that is EXACTLY WHAT RLC WANTS. RLC is built upon constant speculation...their entire genre is to keep everyone guessing. That's the drug they feed us. That is why after awhile I came to believe that sometimes RLC actually does play a role in developing a plot...in creating a "soap opera" type of prodding their participants. Not all the time to be sure, but sometimes just enough to keep things interesting for subs. I do suspect the Martina/Nelly tryst started off as spontaneous as it seemed so intensely real but along the way, the "soap opera" took over and the specuations started. After a while the speculations took two turns...some based upon reason and logic and others based on yearnings for fantasy. I suspect most of us fell for each at some point. To this day, I wonder if the Martina/Nelly thing is really over as I think there is reasonable evidence that it might still be going on off-camera...or it might not be. Same goes for what Martina does all these nights away from home until the next morning. As some say its a job as waitress, bartender, hostess etc...all reasonable as I see it. But what about Martina being a call girl or escort...that would fit the time frame also and I don't think anyone would be shocked.
  7. Oh for the good old days of "real" lesbian sex ...Martina and Nelly, Eva and her girfriends with or without Sam, Jane with Sasha and Masha and with the younger girls with Dick. We should all keep in mind that RLC ratings and subscibers skyrocketed during the Martina and Nelly trysts...so much for the "unattractiveness" of Nelly. I
  8. You could be right about that...makes a lot of sense.
  9. Actually, I do believe that there is a current drop in talent when it comes to enjoyable viewing in both sexual and non-sexual activity. In the Russian glory days there were many, many times when some of the apartments were pretty interesting during parties and get togethers with friends' participants...Annabel, Olivia, come to mind but the were others too. Part of the issue with some of today's appartments is that there is so much emphasis on obvious pre-planned pseudo sexual events that lack a feeling of genuiness. In my opinion much of the sexual activities during the Russian years rarely seemed "staged", although they could have been but they almost never seemed fake like some of today'apartments. If a lot of the "entertainment" was staged it never seemed like that...that was due to the talent being able to make the sexual activities seem spontaneous. Eva/Sam, Jane/Dick, Annabel, Masha/Sasha/Dasha, and quite a few others including Bogdan and Nelly. I used to love the "cat and mouse" dynamics with Jane and Dick in sexual pursuit of the two younger women that often stayed over in their appartment...it never seemed "staged" and most of the time never ended in any sexual activity between the three of them but it was fun to watch. So, in answer to your questions, I enjoy both interesting non-sexual stuff and the erotic sex that seems unrehearsed and genuine.Thanks for your questions.
  10. I too have not watched Martina and Alberto on a daily basis due to lack of special events. It is dissapointing to say the least. Even the pseudo four-some lacked the bisexual tryst between Martina and Marta that a lot of us were hoping for. That being said, I still have hope. As a long time subscriber from the Russian days I lament the great decline in talent. I doubt we'll ever see RLC attaiin the heights of the Russian glory days. But, whenever I get down on the current crop of participants, I stop myself and remember the Martina/Nelly trysts. They were epic in RLC lore and still unequalled to anything I saw during the great Russian period. Of course, Eva's lesbian adventures, with or without Sam, were legendary. And some of Masha's escapades, even to this day are definitely worth watching. So when I start to get bored wth Martina, I have to remind myself and appreciate the fact that on a "boner" scale Martina ranks, in my opinion, easily in the top 10 RLC females of all time in terms of beauty, sensuality and outright bisexual performance. I guess that's why I still hope we can see that again from her...but of course that's what voyeurism is about right? Always hoping for more even if it might not happen again. Thanks for listening.
  11. Hi Adalbert, I don't quite understand what you mean. Do you feel I was spreading rumors? Rumors about what? I thought that Martina and Kos were speaking Spanish inside the apartment but it was very hard to hear them so I guess I was in error as I don't understand either Russian, Ukranian or Spanish. But that doesn't mean I was spreading rumors. That's why I was asking for a translation and I appreciate the clarification from Noldus. I don''t follow Karol and Kos much but I believe some on the forum acknowledged that Kos could speak English during the time Karol was in a GOV apartment that he visited often. If I am wrong about that I apologize. But I do know that I am not known as a gossiper or rumor monger in the many posts I've put on this forum.
  12. Well. finally interaction between these two couples...very nice to see as they live next door to one another. Apparently Kos speaks Spanish which I wasn't aware of...thought he only spoke Russian and English...another 3 language speaker along with Masha. Very impressive. Anyway, it would be nice to get a translation of their conversation, but if not, hopefully this is a start of a freindship between the couples now that we know there might not be a language barrier.Does anyone know if Karol can speak Spanish?
  13. So glad you reminded us of Anabelle and Efim. They were one of the most interesting and fun to watch couples ever to grace RLC apartments. For those of us who lived through the glory days of the Russian apartments, when you compare those years to recent years of RLC there is really no comparison. With the Russian apartments and a couple of apartments outside of Russia, we were regularly treated to interesting and experimental sex and a clear sense that the tennants were having real fun...I never felt anything was "staged"...it might have been but It never seemed fake. Anabelle and Efim, Eva and Sam, Jane and Dick, Masha, Sasha, and Dasha and even Nelly and Bogdan, all seemed to be enjoying what they were doing. Even when there were no sexual exploits going on, the apartments were always fun to watch because the people were interesting. I still watch Martina and Alberto, Leora and Paul, B5, and B7 out of loyalty to Nelly and Bogdan. I guess I count my blessings in having enjoyed those glory years. Thanks again for jarring my memory of Anabelle and Efim.
  14. Hi Jen, Well I too have also cut back on the time I spend on both CC and RLC...just not enough to keep me interested although I do miss your posts. They always were interesting and great reading. Along with with resident comediene Girlsfun2, you and her are at the top of my list of posters although there are others I enjoyed also. I've decided to temporarily end my sub to RLC until something improves...especially with Martina and Alberto. I never really cared for the fake lesbian shows in the other apartments as the tryst between Martina and Nelly spoiled me I guess. Anyway, have a great New Year and maybe we'll have more to talk about with RLC next year.
  15. Ok, but I do think it strange. Enough said I guess.
  16. Hi. Actually I visit my several neighbors quite often and they visit me also...we probably get together for dinner parties or BBQs a few times a month. And I agree with you about how the Nelly, Bogdan, and Martina friendship brought about Martina's interaction with other Russians/Ukrainians. That certainly is the truth. I'm just trying to keep my questions pretty simple... but not doing a good job at that. I don't know why the two couples don't socialize...I'm just trying to find out why and trying to see if anyone has direct knowledge why...that's all.
  17. I never said Russians/Ukrainians never mixed with locals. I only pointed out a few times they do mix in order to keep my post short. Of course they mix...but my question only concerned Martina/Alberto and Karol/Kos. So maybe like you said its a problem between Karol, Kos and Martina...my thoughts eaxactly.
  18. Except of course not Martina and Alberto who live right next door. From the beginning I have found that very strange. Some here say its the language barrier which might be true with Alberto, but Kos can speak English, Martina can understand English and speak rudmimentary Engish as well as a little bit of Russian, and Karol is learning Spanish. It just seems weird that no on-camera effort is made to socialize...then again, maybe both Karol and Martina are just not fond of each other. Then of course we hear that RLC dictates no contact between Russian/Ukranian tenants and local Spainiards.. Why then does it allow the socialization between Taylor and Red with a bunch of Russian/Ukranian women? And what about Nelly and Bogdan who invite local Spainiards to their parties like Martina's freinds? Personally, although only speculation, I lean toward Martina and/or Karol not really being fond of each other. If anyone here knows something I don't I would certainly welcome any additional info.
  19. I do have a subscription...have for 6 straight years. But I missed that Nelly was in B4...sorry.
  20. Nelly gone all day and tonight. Martina gone all day and tonight. Hmmm. Short vacation together maybe.
  21. Martina gone all yesterday, last night, today and tonight. Nelly gone all yesterday, last night, today and tonight. Hmmm.
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