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Everything posted by Kingbanks

  1. That girl in the kitchen with the mask must be a escort because that's the only time they touch any guest 😂
  2. they can't take jokes because they are emotionally attached to her they idolize her 😂
  3. So then it probably was to make or take a phone call, I guess paul didn't like that neck rub 😂
  4. Karel seems to be introducing them to the new couple he also had a new girl there at the last party
  5. Its 2:50am they must are going to have a quick threesome with luca&lara with bruno because they are the only ones that are known for having sex, unless tonight is like an orientation for the new couple 🤷‍♂️ They normally start leaving between 5am-7am
  6. luca&lara showed up with her #1 guy bruno I guess I know who she will be fucking the most tonight 😂
  7. Soooo I'm guessing karel is officially in charge of the parties in this apartment 🤷‍♂️ But he was the one that was caught doing drugs then again the drugs were applied by mariane 🤔 And mariane was leading the party before now she hasn't been there since, and karel is in control of the last party and this one
  8. a new technician is there doing what jakar fails at 😂 but i dont see why just keep the apartment offline it's not like anyone is missing anything 😂
  9. I didn't know that gina and milena was so close Maybe gina is going to introduce her to a hairy Spanish man😂
  10. Jakar is there and the table is in front of the couch which means he is about to have one of his parties 😂
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