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Everything posted by Kingbanks

  1. What does your instincts tell you what's going on??
  2. Dont waste your money If you wanna look at the free cams that's one thing but until they can show that they deserve your money dont join nothing
  3. With the way she is dressing she ain't filming shit for a movie At least not the movie you think
  4. Let's just face the facts she is most likely getting destroyed off camera no extra has to film that many scenes she is not apart of the main cast
  5. I found it Seems like it we be a indie movie Small cast
  6. You must message them on the website If so ask them why they sleep in different rooms 🤔 She Probably is looking for another boner dean doesn't do shit with her she should go look for it else where
  7. This seems like a lot to keep up with plus there media player keeps lagging and going and slow motion on my end😂
  8. Not even in a pm😕 Alright I never really paid attention to rlc but okay
  9. Which girl is which What are the names of the girls and the kitchen Send pictures with the name next to it if you can
  10. They dont do anything and they sleep in separate rooms 😂
  11. Not if VH catch them doing that Remember mr.art&arianda kept going offline
  12. Dumbass is already hiding from the cameras 😂 Let's see how long this apartment last or the new girl with rebecca last
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