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Everything posted by Kingbanks

  1. Who all witness this happened If you did can you use the hand emoji
  2. Did anyone try to stop him because I was sleeping when that happened the last I saw though was everyone dancing in the LR before I was logged off
  3. Because his guest are just as terrible at least bring sofi back
  4. So when are you & sofi coming back because your guest are terrible 😑
  5. @Voyeur House TV can you please close this apartment
  6. If lora was more like Alexandra she would have her own apartment by now
  7. You should have seen the bullshit last night They have no direction & zero desire to make money It was borderline pathetic Sofi&kirill are the ones who get everything started without them this apartment might close within weeks
  8. They should close it because this group of misfits are worser then juliet people
  9. If they don't come back this apartment won't survive with the people who are there now
  10. Support said they are fixing it should be on in a couple of minutes
  11. Kirill&sofi needs to get back asap these people are free loaders
  12. I think they did read everything we posted 😂
  13. It's 6am they need to stop the bullshit in go to bed then leave when they wake up They ain't built for this This is on kirill&sofi they need to find some people who don't just dance all day and are not afraid to initiate sex
  14. She was pointing at him to join in but only for the red head
  15. What's the point of the other girl I mean what the fuck is her purpose
  16. All of them are lazy and they need to fucking leave until kirill&sofi gets back
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