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Fox y 19

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  1. Unfortunately not (but planned, something interesting ...)
  2. Everyone who at least 6 months lived in Ukraine would face this problem)
  3. Можно и так сказать) 12 часов без электричества это еще цветочки))
  4. All beautiful sit behind the screens of monitors ...))
  5. Merry night)) Cletus Jr., just wanted only Paisley!) To be continued...)
  6. It really is. For this reason, now only in one room. Both locations will be available soon.
  7. Food - 170-190 dollars per month. Internet + mobile phone - a maximum of 25 dollars.
  8. Why were they locked in the apartment Paisley and Cletus?
  9. She didn't want to make Paisley nice ... Because, she couldn't get anything either.
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