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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. We really don't need to know this.😥
  2. Is Henry the manager of this place?
  3. It's tough to live up to but have managed so far😀the other six fell by the wayside ages ago😂👍
  4. I guess they don't give a toss what anybody else thinks, if they are happy then so what but I agree that some are a bit excessive.Personal taste and choice pal👍 I'm quite happy with my "Mr Magnificent" tattoo on my forehead😀👍
  5. Show your ignorance pal?that ship sailed years ago.😁👍.
  6. Which one's Lyla?I haven't a clue who's who.Duh!!!!
  7. Yep,an open mind to pick and choose what suits you,it's easy really.👍
  8. I wouldn't expect anything less from you pal👍😁
  9. Trust me Jabs I'm not angry about this👍There are three things on here that do make me angry (1)Making fun of disability (2)Body shaming (3)Serious personal insults against me. Apart from that I'm ok👍
  10. I totally get your point Blue but I think what kicked this discussion off was Jabs saying "wannabe pornstars" which he is perfectly entitled to say but the point is VHTV allows these people to have Apt's so therefore they become part of the package(our VH sub) and are available to be viewed by us if we want,the fact they are porn workers becomes irrelevant.After all they are only doing the same stuff as the tenants but in a professional manner and therein lies the issue.
  11. C'mon Jabs you're having a laugh, we as individuals decide for our own benefit whether it's a good idea or not,democracy,freedom of choice and all that😏.
  12. You're missing the point here,VHTV have allowed these Porn Actors to have an Apt and this discussion is about whether we should or shouldn't watch it,some of us object and others don't.Of course we can watch porn FOC if we want but it has appeared here so therefore it 's up to the Subs.to decide if they watch it or not.IMO you are all making a big song and dance over nothing,don't watch it if you're not happy with it.
  13. And I'll bet the complainers were watching as well.There are too many people on here with deluded preconceptions about who,what and how the sex act should be portrayed.We're paying to watch people fucking,bottom line,end of, deal with it.
  14. Of course it was, OK there was a porn shoot going on some of the time with the girl who visited but that was only part of it.The excellent deaf girl makes sure she gets her share for sure.
  15. I'll take boring wannabe pornstars doing something as against most of the regular tenants pretty much doing naff all.I'm guessing this is your default Apt/tenants when your bored out your skull or else they would never get a mention,but thanks for your very original input about these guys Jabs 😏👍
  16. That ginger haired woman is Elien from the place that closed down recently,Romeo and the other black guy were there too.
  17. A real eloquent wordsmith is JB Hmmm!!!!😁👍
  18. Meat injections?how crude can one be.👍 Insertion of the penis into the vagina if you don't mind😁👍
  19. I'm racking my brains to come up with something😁
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