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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. So it's Sunny and Markus plus anonymous woman and either Romeo or Angelo😀👍 This is all too much for my wee brain😀
  2. Sorry Sparkles but I'm not understanding.Assuming Sunny is the deaf girl the black gentleman is either Markus or Angelo yes/no.
  3. If she's a porn worker which I assume she is her boss has told her to be there,and if so your guess is as good as mine why pal.👍
  4. Shit stirrers on VH? Never been heard of😊👍
  5. Boring shit, hope you don't mind me using your fave post Jabs👍😊
  6. Sunny(the deaf girl) isn't even in the Apt. right now!!!!? Anyway I'm off to celebrate my 2nd sons 50th birthday so over and out till tomorrow(post hangover) 👍😁
  7. Only a quiet lass who likes being stabbed with the mutton dagger once in a while.👍😀
  8. Your the expert pal,about being gobby I mean.😁👍
  9. C'mon Rob it's all orchestrated just different levels of.Sex in front of cameras whichever way you look at it.
  10. Hi JB,is that attractive,goose, or quiet pal😁👍
  11. Really!!she's very attractive but looks like she wouldn't say boo to a goose,but as they say"watch out for the quiet ones".👍
  12. They worked and slept a lot,if they have left, probably for the best.
  13. Hi Plum,I'm keeping out of your war of words with Govert but you say"leave the relevant posts to longstanding members on here".Are you saying that new members post's are irrelevant?.Just wondering.👍
  14. So the village idiot was found wandering in Somerset😁👍
  15. You must be improving cos it's usually more than one.😁👍
  16. Yeh the flat is empty during the day because they are out, you know working,shopping,etc but I can assure you they have slept there every night.If you need some help checking the timeline I'm sure Let's will give you a quick demo.Good luck😁👍
  17. Are we supposed to hee haw at that😁 What does a donkey on the beach at Blackpool get for lunch? 45 minutes like everyone else😁 Ok I'm outta here👍
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