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Everything posted by kenny1940

  1. two months ago three girls sat on the couch all day and watched tv and played charades. what a turn of events.
  2. Polya started off this way, and then it was a nice long session. Stella must be out the door a send off. wish it was Belle
  3. And the Ritual with the Witches of Eastwick begins. The Role of Darryl Van Horne previously played by Beardo is replaced by two actors
  4. Well you and others have insight that I don't have. Its all fun to me watching these ladies who are kind of exploited but under their own decisions. I'm just a voyeur. Sometimes uncomfortable. But I just like the whole scene. I go away when it gets weird and I have enough experience to see the future with these nights.
  5. Yea I live in Los Angeles so talk about liberal. Never seen it but again I'm not 20yrs old haven't been to a college party since the 90's when a lot of you were born. Lol
  6. This place hotel. Den of Iniquity, Sodom and Gomorrah, crazy place. And Belle again attaches herself to one of the Madamns. Baby has some mommy issues for sure
  7. Nice to see some real dudes meaning they are age appropriate and handsome and don't look pervy like the other guy that everyone calls ape man or beardo
  8. Oh ok. You damn Millennials with your damn rock and roll and eight track tapes. stay off my lawn! thanks guys guess I'm out of the loop. Hope they don't ignore cutie Belle tonight
  9. Um I don't know any women in the States who wear rabbit ears in their twenties. Maybe European and none of the other apts wear them
  10. Those ear things that Belle is wearing, is that a Spanish thing? I thought it was a Russian thing because Kristy was wearing those all the time in BC, but I never see her in those anymore but they are wearing them in BC a lot with different ladies.
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