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Everything posted by kenny1940

  1. after all that nonsense Lima and that dude had sex in the morning
  2. oh boy the ladies are sleep now the natives are getting sensitive and butt hurt turning on each other
  3. Yea could be folks are a little done with the covers. Not a lot of attention today. They maybe are becoming a real life cam couple where they are happy in their world but the members ignore them because they don't get what they want anymore. D&D for example
  4. Why does Belle end up being ignored or pushed away when she seems so ready for anything usually towards the end. That kitty is all over the place and on camera
  5. wow I didn't know that was the same girl. she had sex in daylight no covers. interesting
  6. Yep, I only watched for Rita and now Belle in the BCapts. Kamila and Leora are the ones that keeps me hanging around RLC period. Both Kamila and Leora have run their course for me. Not in a bad way just not much more they can offer in storytelling in life evolution. well at least what I want to know about them
  7. You don't mean that for a second. As long as Leora is there you will be there. Your mind will always wonder what the Goddess is doing. :)
  8. Kamila entered the house at 09:18 immediately stripped down to black bra and panties, playing her dance music dancing around unpacking, went through the kitchen and is settling in to take over apt. As a Princess in waiting to be queen should do. She is the same weight, rocking her necklace with the cross and her navel ring, her dark hair is pulled back.
  9. lots of people missed you. Kristy held it down with some ground breaking sex and her Angels occupied the place. So wont you smile for the camera, I know we love you better, this is your big debut and when the shutter falls, you will see it all in 3d, its your favorite foreign movie :)
  10. Julia organized that apt. so diligently including the guest room Kristy destroyed it. hahah. Well to our chagrin the ladies are getting gigs. They will be back in a week or so. If youre not used to it by now...its the life they lead. Travel, dudes, dating, laziness as Omar from the Wire says "Its all apart of the Game"
  11. going backwards for a moment. Stella was packing and then got distracted with the guy and they were about to go at it again. the RLC UM employee was their and Stella realized someone was there jumped up ran to the kitchen saw her ran back to the bedroom and then UM. I hope she lives in Spain.
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