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Everything posted by kenny1940

  1. My God if Rita was living at that apt when this went down, either my dreams would come true or she would have run out of that apt so fast you would have heard tires squeeling.
  2. What if Noldus moved in. He would have to keep time of himself. 12:00 I fucked Lola 13:00 I fucked Megan
  3. see you tomorrow or later in Kams bed unless Magic Man goes to work, which it looks like. See you same Bat Time Same Bat Channel
  4. haha she had nothing to do with that disaster. but funny what the kids do in college to join a frat or sorority
  5. as a person who misses everything during the week. Wednesdays and Thursdays a lot happens. On the weekend I see very little mostly
  6. You are going to call of Mike, if you are a working dude, or tell your company to take a day off hahha
  7. Experience for me. been in these situations. NOT With 6 or 7 women. in my dreams. signs are all there. I've only done pot about 3 months in college, did X-MMDA, twice and this was the result. Lots of touching an sensuality but from my experience couldn't really get a hard on or didn't care. Done lots of drinking Scotch and beer. Doesn't turn out like this. Just my observation
  8. that's funny Mike. I'm on the West Coast so its only 9 for me. Usually I miss everything stay up way or wake up way too early to late you probably are.
  9. Makes Dashas parties old parties and Nellys look like childsplay. Well with the obvious drugs of course not. This aint just booze folks. Booze makes you sleepy, puke or pass out.
  10. BTW off topic. A little disrespectful of Kam to fuck while a guest (a parent is visiting) he is not much a gentleman either. Come one, and Kristy is ok with that as well.
  11. I second that, but I wouldn't go running to RLC about how they were innocent victims and violated by some creepy drug dealer. Regardless if we have our little fantasies of who they are, how many women in your life would go on a site and fuck, run around nude, expose themselves, masturbate. Lets stop trying to walk the line of they are innocents and prostitutes.
  12. This is awesome and exhausting. I really would like to see Megan and Stella just be together alone in a really intimate way.
  13. Remember the girls are in power. and hell yea they are on the what I used to call X. touchy feely great for women not so much for dudes and getting a boner.
  14. I'm a little surprised at STC and a couple of their take that he drugged them. It has been two days of this I would say they are willing participants. Lets not put them in some Angelic nature. They didn't get slid some ruffies while they were out and he has not forced himself on anyone.
  15. This guy and Yegor are the best thing to happen for RLC, for six months not much in K&K and now we see Kamila getting pounded every time he is there. This bearded magician has turned two apts into a orgy never seen before.
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