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Everything posted by kenny1940

  1. The answer is no I don't want to be in a relationship until I meet La Reina, my queen. Lack of maturity sure, but I still enjoy that first time going out with a lady, making out, being alone the first time. and seeing her give you that ok and you slide her panties off.
  2. Yes, my current dating girl doesn't like oral at all but enjoys doing it. We on this site all don't make love the same and if you are like me who is single, you can either change up depending on the woman each time or stick with your usual regimen. Its an artistic approach or a science approach.
  3. You do speak the truth, just a little Harley twist. Ok don't put me on your ignore list. hahhaa. by the way, I'm not in a steady relationship so yea. daddy needs his medicine. If you ladies and gentlemen are in a marriage or relationship. You are in a good place.
  4. you are right on all accounts but its just an explanation of what Noldus was referring to. Harley I have had a couple of private conversations with you on non RLC topics. I know you are very bright and have a lot of perspective. So I know you are just playing Devil's advocate contrarian guy on your posts. I know what you are up to my friend. You are just keeping it interesting.
  5. I'm exhausted too Kamila. It has been a marathon. Now hang with momma Kristy tomorrow and just chill out. Let your kitty rest.
  6. off topic Belle is super cute and already not afraid to show that body. someone mentioned a cross of Megan and Amy.
  7. Kamila you went away and came back with some much sexuality thank you for this weekend.
  8. we now no that her masturbation is real she likes it under cover its how she masturbates. we now know. she doesn't have any issues with camera and nudity. learned behavior. how she did it from the start with a trusty bottle. different ways to orgasm.
  9. wow I cant believe it but I'm kind of sick of him for now. but if he's there Kamila is there, better than her being gone all the time. I guess I'm one of those never satisfied members. This is great but miss her being lazy hanging around touching her self. Like when Paul is away for the day and Leora plays.
  10. Its cool for the viewers, but I would imagine a little annoying for Kristy after a couple of days. Or like you say she is a little peeper who likes it.
  11. Barcelona is down for the count in both apts. Lets see if Kamila and her dude will wake up to some hanky panky in Moscow in the noon time.
  12. this is the pros and cons of the all girl apts. in Barcelona. Different women but, the Visa thing, it causes not seeing them more than 3 months. It is what made me stop watching. Irma has been a real steady person in brining this house together. So many women in such a short time. Sometimes just a month.
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