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Everything posted by kenny1940

  1. Off topic, not unusual that three girls are massaging each other in BC1 but I love the beautiful brown skinned Stella with the super cute brunette Belle and the sexy blonde Anna
  2. Kitek has already said relax he is a friend. I think we all just want Kristy to have someone to be with as well.
  3. As Jayne said, she has legs. This is the game men and women play. As a dude I would say he can either do the waiting it out game and get her alone or bow out and call it a night. If she has not already given the signal then he will be a frustrated dude crashing on the couch. Go home and continue the be her photo friend
  4. Probably why big sister is hanging around. Just in case Kristy is not comfy taking it any further.
  5. Yes he is a photographer, but a friend. Probably how Dima and Kam connected. Similar interests of understanding. I acted in a couple of plays in college and played the lead male for that time period the female lead I acted with we became attracted to each other, then it was over after the show ended. Art can be very intimate when the other person gets it.
  6. He is a friend first remember. Typical dude going as far as he can. Maybe went too far with the massage.
  7. If you dry your towels with two other girls giving you a massage, then God Bless. Your life is awesome
  8. Off topic bc 1 is preparing form a ritual of sorts, they are spreading towels on Anna/Belle bed. Stella is there yeaaaa they are interacting
  9. If it was a real situation where Kristy was into him, Kamila would know because Kristy would let her know. I still feel Kam should quietly leave them and let things play out. Women communicate these things. They will be protectors, guys see this immediately and remove themselves
  10. 08:20 clear evidence on her period. Pack of Always was gathered in the restroom as soon as Yegor left. They had grinding sex last night. No penis no vagina exposed
  11. Its 08:15, Kamila's fella is leaving, He hung out with Kam overnight, ate, talked, knowing she is on her period and still satisfied her and his sexual appetite. Kristy is laying flat on her back, buns of steel on display in black panties. Its daylight in both rooms. He is off to work I guess The timekeeper will clock it.
  12. Kamila is the most polarizing tenant on RLC and my absolute reason for being her since she arrived. Doesn't do well in the polls, yet people react to her like no other. She is a hall of famer. Like the great stars that people LOVE and HATE, Example Kobe Bryant, Kanye West, Taylor Swift New England Patriots, They are way more interesting than others, like them or not. She loses weight, we say Yuck, she masturbates undercover we say boooooo, tease, she hooks up with a dude we say she has been around the block. We also say she looks so sweet sleeping, she deserves a good guy, she is so beautiful naturally without make up. I think ThesStarder with his polls is something to reflect on data wise regarding who is popular and Kamila's last poll rankings. For me, remains the same. 1 Kamila 2 Rita 3 Leora .
  13. Truth is they are hardly in the apt together over the six months. Kristy usually has a schedule and goes away on the weekend. Kamila adjusts her life to who she is dating because she doesn't really have a schedule. It just so happens Kamila's new boyfriend comes over a lot and Kristy has been home lately. So the whole roommate situation is happening when someone is dating and the other isn't. Usually they would find one day a week to just hang and talk and caress.
  14. I guess you need a momma/vet to hold the apt down Anna/Lola. It would seem logical to have Megan, Rebecca and Belle together. Probably be out of control.
  15. Ok what did I miss. Noldus you don't like her either. Mike, Thes doesn't seem to either. I honestly don't see this apt. much other than she is super hot
  16. For English translation: there was no penetration of just tease and simulated sexual act between, nothing more, so yes I think it is the wrong time ^^
  17. Its funny he is a wide guy and she is petite girl. so he engulfs her so that you can never get a good angle on her.
  18. This is her period time for sure around the first week of the month. Why do I know that. Because the apt opened on the 3rd and she was on her period and it has been pretty consistent since then. She also masturbated like the first or second day while on her period.
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