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Everything posted by kenny1940

  1. kam and Kris briefly interacted in the bathroom. other than that not much. schedule differences I guess and six people in the apt.
  2. If Kam doesn't have her period now its coming. she gets really horny and naked right before. this is when she would bate covered up for the 10 thousandth time. but she has a guest.
  3. I wish Kristy would bang those walls like Kami did when Kristy mom was there. Probably when I lost some respect for Kam
  4. I've been resistant on all these guests I like when K&K are home. There are couple of Kristy's Angels I like, but I guess I must conform with the forum. I do like this guest on the couch. Little Red reminds me of Blue(sugar bonnie) mysterious. Blue spent months at C&S never really knew much about her other than cute and nice body,all of a sudden BAMMMM
  5. polls mean nothing. it just shows the anger when Kam doesn't display what people want. they are in love with her. tell me who else gets followed on social media more than her and who cancels, complains when she is not there
  6. oh she has guts but if youre talking about bates. it will be covered. lets not discount marathon sex, walking around nude, sleeping nude
  7. for all the Heidi lovers, she is away just as much as K&K and kristy now has to do her exercise in the kitchen where we cant see! and these fly by night hostel members only take away from Kam being in bed alone. well, fire in the hometown I must excuse
  8. For the life of me I cant understand why Kamila does so poorly in the ratings and polls. She is surely the star of this whole website. I live in Los Angles trust me you can run into hundreds of Kamilas but some people have IT that's why people become models, movie stars, music stars. they just have IT. Kamila runs this shit point blank. When she's gone angry messages to RLC. Nicole is hardly ever home and she is attractive. Only a few care. Kam has shown all of her life inside the house. Sadness, indifference, romance, sexuality, selfishness, comfort, goofy, silly, mother bear, strong willed. when she goes I go.
  9. this is so weird. If he was a new guy trying to court her its still lop sided. but to have already been in a relationship and go backwards to the friendzone is bizarre. but she they never seem to be click anyway. I like the fella. move on Dima.
  10. wow really is a flop house now. If I was new I wouldn't know who Kamila or Kristy is. based on who's in the bedrooms Much like I never could figure out who is Stesha so I gave up. too many people in the house to figure it out. well something needed to be done as the real people are hardly there and they couldn't keep going UM like they used to or have an empty apt
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