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Everything posted by beancounter

  1. beancounter

    Tver - Split 1

    hat trick nothing but a whore house
  2. beancounter

    Tver - Split 1

    He's going for the hat trick Hitting on Dizi now.
  3. beancounter

    Tver - Split 1

    Someone should tell Anna how special she is he couldn't wait to fuck Petra minutes after he finished her. He pushed her out the door as soon as he was done.
  4. beancounter

    Tver - Split 1

    I am watching Dizi take a bath very HOT
  5. beancounter

    Tver - Split 1

    if Ann give him head she will taste Petra on his dick, lol
  6. beancounter

    Tver - Split 1

    Anyone else see Ivory give us the bird as he went out with Ann. He is going to fuck her again just for us. She is very young and is going to get hurt bad.
  7. beancounter

    Tver - Split 1

    Earlier today Akira came out of his room laughing he was on CC (could see it on his I pad) he showed it to Petra and Ivory they had a good laugh.
  8. She fooled me, I thought that she had self respect and wasn't another low self esteem girl that VV finds lately. What scares me is that she is very young and can she deal with the rejection that is about to come from Ivory. He really is a self center person who only thinks with his dick. If I was Phil I wouldn't touch her with ten foot pole. However VV isn't real world so I am sure that last night will not change anything.
  9. Petra is Ivory's pimp or wingman either way she runs interference so Ivory get to fuck the girl.
  10. The HIV epidemic in this region continues to grow, particularly in Russia, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. 85% of people living with HIV in the region live in Russia and Ukraine. Russia also accounts for eight out of ten new HIV infections HIV prevalence is also reportedly high among sex workers in Eastern Europe (10.9%).6 Though these estimates are based mainly on data from Ukraine, a study from Chisinau, Moldova, found that 11.6% of sex workers were living with HIV - See more at: http://www.avert.org/professionals/hiv-around-world/eastern-europe-central-asia#sthash.Am5Wr9I9.dpuf
  11. A shower only cleans the outside of your body. You need to go to a clinic to be check for the inside. Just another notch on Ivory's bedpost.
  12. beancounter

    Tver - Split 1

    This was a very sad day in VV. this is when VV was fun to watch and not a train wreck. They had sex with people they care about and not with a porn star. It was interesting to watch their relationships and their parties.
  13. Let's see what tomorrow brings How will Anna act around Phil How will ivory treat Anna Will Dizi move back or maybe leave Who will sleep where and whit whom VV needs to separate the two apartments Have Tver just porn site and have Voronezh be an apartment where people respect each other with a voyeur attitude. They would definitely expand there member base this way. The current show is going to get old and people will stop paying for something they can get free on the Internet
  14. VV should send someone to calm him down before he hurts himself. He's drunk, the best thing for him right now is to pass out.
  15. beancounter

    Tver - Split 1

    Another clinger how long until Ivory pushes her away? Player's don't like clingers.
  16. beancounter

    Tver - Split 1

    I wonder if they can get a discount at the local clinc. He never use protection with any girl other than Petra.
  17. I only hope she stays away from Ivory. she deserves better than him. He's a player without a real job other than fucking.
  18. Dizi is not a happy camper notice Petra move
  19. He looks and acts like he could be related to Karen.
  20. I don't know who she was talking to but she was definitely upset look at her eyes they are red.
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