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Everything posted by beancounter

  1. Haven't we seen this scene before with Dizi and Tanya.You think this is stage? LOL Messa was invited in to the bathroom Christy and Messa sharing a kiss. I guess she likes the two pump sex. Than the sneak out for a smoke break. It is impossible that Nastya is that stupid this smells of VV management. You would have thought that they would have a new partner for Christy by now. Customers are only gong to put up with the bad sex from Messa for so long. They are already bored with Ivory and he is 10 time the stud that Messa is. Three some isn't even that good with them because we know its all planed.
  2. White is a tall girl I wonder if she plays basketball. She is in the same time zone as Adriana wonder if they know each other?
  3. She definitely has reason Messa and Christy fuck earlier today. He has already tried to fuck every girl who enters Voro, even Petra. I still say the Christy is the one playing games. How long are the paying customers going to pay to watch Messa 15 second fucks? I did even have time to start my recorder this morning. VV needs in my opinion clean house and get a couple of real couples so it doesn’t look so staged
  4. mr1010, I agree with a lot of what you said except: "Cristy might be the unique person who likes sex a lot, but has no artifice, plays no sneaky games." Sat11 said and I agree: "I guess nastya was her way in to messa now she can get to him with out her she resists" Christy is the real player in all of this she got rejected by Phil so she worked the other two to help her run him off. Now she is working Nastya to get run her off. I think she want to be the queen of Voro. I can't stand Messa however Christy is the real sneaky game player. There is no way Christy can be happy with the 15 second sex with Messa. He has shown her his lack of sexual abilities, yet she is still playing her game you have to wonder why?
  5. I thought that VV was going to make this different than Tver, offer an alternative to scripted scenes. When Tver stop coming over it look promising. I wish they would clean house and get some couples in Voro that are exciting to watch like the started out with. Now its just a train wreck extremely poor casting. Nobody is as stupid as Nastya is acting. Where did they get these girls off some street corner.
  6. In the bathroom: while Christy sits on couch
  7. I have a good friend in Russia
  8. all I can say is Christy is one duplicitous bitch. Hey I will listen to you and help you get back with your boy friend. Than when your not around I will let the three pump chump, do his three pumps to me.
  9. Her shower took longer than their Sex including foreplay. No girl puts up with this for long.
  10. Where is Nastya did she leave,
  11. Christ (slut) and Messa having sex now its over three pumps and done he makes Paul look like porn star. Definition of Slut: slut. [slət] NOUN a woman who has many casual sexual partners
  12. Didn't take Christy long to get into Messa bed
  13. Where is the phone this time.
  14. WTF is wrong with this guy he would rather masturbate than fuck Christy. VV needs to send him packing and now.
  15. How old are these people this is a grade school prank. I don't understand Nastya because if Christy gets mad at Phil she will focus on Messa. Although I don't think the intelligence level of any of them is very high. First we hide the phone: Then we listen to the phone: Then we throw the phone:
  16. After everything that happen today they want to back into it all again tomorrow will be worst than today. Christ is just a slut.
  17. Christy is laughing like a grade school girl with a crush, she is trouble Phil deserves much better. Like I said last night she is a slut, there is no reason for not being in Phil's room oher than to cause trouble.
  18. Christy and Nastya are yelling at each other Messa is yelling at Christy and Phil the chump just smiles. I told you last night this was going to happen. Christy storms out for a cigarette.
  19. The temperature in this room is freezing. Look at the frost on their faces.
  20. If it weren't for the Christmas lights the motion detectors would never be on. I can't believe this is a premium apartment.
  21. Started to respond to your posting than I looked at some of your past posting and decided you don't have a clue. You are not worth my time. Messa has only shower a few times since he has been in VV. Christy has taken more showers in her two days than Messa has in his entire time in VV. Enough said.
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