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Everything posted by beancounter

  1. I agree and VV needs to get red full time, I will miss Dizi. I am glad for her she finally got tired of Ivory's BS. I seen her seed photos to someone outside of VV maybe she has a real boy friend.
  2. Dizi spent a lot of time reading something I think it was the contract. It looks like she do what is required of her with the new guy kissing and letting him grab her over her cloths. Se really doesn't look like she really wants anything to do with him. JMO
  3. beancounter

    Tver - Split 1

    It “appears” to me that Iyory is trying to get permission from VV or Petra to fuck Anna. He is making a lot of phone class and even had Akira make a couple.
  4. If I was Zoya I kick both their asses to the street. They leave together and come back together. They might work together which would explain them being together. However if they act this way with her in a different room imagine what they do alone.
  5. Did Anna take her bag which means she went to work, will be home sometime during the night, early morning.
  6. beancounter

    Tver - Split 1

    How would like these guys come to your house and use your sink.
  7. beancounter

    Tver - Split 1

    Anna goes to the bathroom and Akira walks while she is in there for a smoke these guys are gross.
  8. beancounter

    Tver - Split 1

    The girls are at Tver now
  9. I missed tonight show, what happen between Dizi and the new guy. It sounds like things cool off. Yesterday I thought there was the start of something.
  10. Not worth my time and I really don't care about your opinion.
  11. I emailed RLC and complained that we are paying for a premium apartment where the people spend all their time in blind spots. Don't know if this caused the change or not. However less than an hour later things changed.
  12. beancounter

    Tver - Split 1

    To many guys only two females and one is taken the other we seen so many times you lose interest.
  13. They were looking at passport last night couldn't make out who's but I wonder if it was Ivory's.
  14. Let start out by saying to you as I said before I have with out a doubt more hands on experience dealing with people who have or are screwing up their lives. I mendor and advise people everyday it's part of my job. I also have the education to back it up, I have more letters after my name than you probably can count. I am very highly regarded and often sought after for my experience and expertise in my field. Even on the personal side I have done more than my share of screw ups. I admit I am far from perfect and have as many skeletons in my closet as the next guy. So if I was you I would really watch what you bet because you have zero chance of winning this bet. Their past experiences won't change the cost they will pay for thier current mistakes. So shooting your moth off a blog makes you feel better about your life good luck.
  15. Just ignore them they are not worth your time. They like to shoot off their moths. miscvoyeur isn't a paying member to vv so he bases his information on thumb previews and other people posts. We all come from different backgrounds which means we all have different morals and ethics. Some people get off on watching people screw up their lives. It makes their lives seem better. If they ever had to deal with someone who made bad decisions and paid the cost for those decision maybe they would understand. I seen it way to Many times and know the end results are costley. When they grow up emotionally they will have a different view. Remember this is a blog so everyone is allowed to express their opinions, right or wrong.
  16. She isn't that great of a fuck she just layer there with ivory. She is going to crash and burn just like Tanya and this one is very young so this could get real ugly
  17. she didn't look to me to be pushing him away, it appeared like she was encouraging him.
  18. I thought that Dizi finally head her head on straight but maybe I was wrong to bad I was starting to feel good about her.
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