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Everything posted by moules

  1. T&H fucking again at 10:30. --------------------- From replay, if I had to guess a reason for the conversation between Holly and Thor, it was that when Tweety left, it was T&T and Holly who said good-bye to Tweety at the door, while Thor sat on the couch with Mathilda. And as Tweety is Holly's very good friend, Holly did not appreciate Thor sitting on the couch and being indifferent to Tweety's leaving. ------------------ Again from replay, Tweety kissed Thor on both cheeks. This was a polite but chilly good-bye. He made no effort to get up from sitting on the couch. He was pretty much a cold fish. Perhaps, he is unhappy that Tweety and Holly celebrated their birthdays together, and he was not invited. Perhaps, he realizes that he is the hired hand, and will always be that in RLC.
  2. Going back to the sequence, at about 08:30, Holly wants to talk about something. Which she does. She is explaining something. Thor is mostly listening, and passive. When Holly feels that she is not getting enough of a response from him, she gets up from the bed and leaves the room to search for her phone. It is about 08:39.
  3. At 08:39, Holly leaves the bedroom looking for her phone. After some searching, she finds it. She goes to the kitchen window and looks to be reading messages. At about 08:42, she goes out with phone in her hand. Thor goes out about 08:43 to check on her, sees her, and quickly returns to the bedroom. IMO, whatever the text messages, and then her taking the phone to the front door to have a private conversation, is the sequence of events that left Holly upset.
  4. Perhaps she went to the front door for a private phone conversation with someone. She did not go out to the street with no shoes on. The Russian translators may learn more from the conversation between Holly and Thor in the bedroom. ------------- From body language, this appears to be about someone else or something that happened earlier, that Holly is upset about, and Thor is not so upset about. Having any discussion after 0:900 when you have been up all night is not the best time for serious conversation.
  5. Holly is back. Before she left, she had to look for her phone in the living room, and found it. She then went to the kitchen window and used the phone. She left without shoes and wearing a black night dress. Mathilda was back in B-1, so it wasn't a call from her. From Tweety?
  6. I asked the question because five of the seven have partied together previously. More specifically, some days ago before Holly hurried back to B-5 to pack clothes for another vacation (and without Thor). This is not a group that casually invites a new participant to meet them at the club and return to B-5 with them. Someone posted that Tim has been in Barcelona a long time, so he would be known to the others. Which leaves Mathilda. My bet she is from the local community of Russian-speakers.
  7. So Mathilda knows some or all of these people before RLC?
  8. I think Bogdan 'accepts' Nelly having sex with other girls. He was there to open the door to their suite when Nelly had left the 'garage' with her pants and panties down around her ankles. And he had earlier checked on what Nelly and whomever she was with were doing. And it was Bogdan who went outside B-7 to open the front door to the garage to let the guest or guests enter without being seen on cam. One is not going to see Bogdan have sex on cam with another girl for several reason, one being his position within the RLC organization. (Not does not mean never.) There are 'secret' spaces where participants can meet and have sex, and no RLC viewer will know. The 'garage' in B-7 is one. The 'office' in B-4 is another'. There is a large room off-cam in B-6, with a separate stairway. The roof-top in B-2. I am not going to try and understand the relationship between Martina and Alberto for several reasons, one being I believe there is a backstory that antedates RLC, and which is important to both of them. A second is that Alberto avoids socializing with RLC participants. I acknowledge that he doesn't speak Russian, but some/many of the participants have a fair ability to converse in English. Perhaps, he doesn't speak English either. Her social life is not his social life. He doesn't have much of a social life at that, Likely because he is a shy introvert.
  9. At about 00:00, T&T, H&T, and Tim and Tweety all leave for what appears to be a visit to a club or clubs. Informally dressed.
  10. Were Tim and Ilona Russian or Ukrainian or from some other Eastern European country? ____________________ Looking at him by the pool, I think he is the same guy who appeared with Ailey on her last return, and is the same guy who Nelly kissedon both checks as she headed to her suite. Friendly with Bogdan, Nelly, and Lilith on that occasion He also resembles the first guy to appear with Ailey in her bedroom.
  11. Thor and Holly are business partners. For both of them, the business becomes more mutually beneficial if their relationship is seen as genuine, more the actions of real people who love sex, and not real people who love sex and pretend to like each other. There is a fondness and friendship between them,, but their's is more a marriage of convenience than a marriage until death do they part. (For those translating, they are NOT married.) When Holly was packing for the first of her trips with Tweety and friends this year, she modeled several pieces of lingerie for Thor, seemingly asking which she should take. So Thor has no illusions about Holly. I remember the report of Tweety Facetiming with Radi and several other girls in B-4 last year. This was at the end of the trip with Holly, and Tweety was going skiing, instead of returning to Barcelona. And one of the girls asked Tweety if she was serious about this new guy, and Tweety replied that she was not having babies with him, or words to that effect.
  12. From replay, Holly had packed her backpack on the side of the bed with several changes of clothes. Some toiletries but not many cosmetics. I did not see her pack a bathing suit or underwear. I concluded from how and what she packed that was going to visit good friends. I think that the invitation for this trip was extended at the party or club on Saturday night. As a person, I think Holly is well-organized and if she knew she needed to leave B-5 before 07:00, she would have packed before going out with T&T to dinner / party / club, Holly and Thor arrived back at B-5 around 02:00, and almost the very first thing she does is pack. When she is done, she and Thor fuck several times. My guess is that the guy who flew her and Tweety first to Dubai and then on to seashell hunting on Indian Ocean beaches last year was at the Saturday party. (I don't recall whether Tweety only made it as far as Dubai because of Covid.) So now Holly, Tweety, and the guys on last year's trip have gone somewhere in Spain, Marbella, Ibiza, etc. Just a guess. And this would also explain why Thor was left behind to sleep alone.
  13. Bogdan and Nelly appear to know Ailey's male friend rather well. Perhaps he has some association with RLC. Nelly kissed him on both cheeks as she left the terrace for her bedroom. As Noldus reported, Ailey is filling a bed on squick notice because the two girls who were going to that bedroom decided not to join the project.
  14. Ailey's male friend (I think he was the first guy that appeared at B-7 with her) is on the terrace with Bogdan, Lilith, and Nelly.
  15. 06:45 Holly left, with a backpack. Casually dressed. Holly and Thor arrived back at B-5 at 02:00, about six hours before T&T's return. H&T probably left the club/party early because Holly had to leave B-5, without Thor, for: A.) a flight to Amsterdam? B.) a Sunday appointment with her obstetrician? C.) a menage a trois with Tweety and her guy on the yacht? D.) a meeting with Megan? E.) something else? ---------------- Holly and Thor must be reading the Kama Sutra for inspiration. Bogdan needs to re-assemble the trampoline or erect a trapeze in B-4's backyard so they can fuck on that.
  16. If this guy today had been in B-7 previously, she would not have given him a quick tour of how B-4 and B-7 are next to each other.
  17. Marlene has left? Esmi still looking at new clothes.
  18. Given the time that they left, and that they were dressed very nicely, first a dinner at a restaurant, then a club.
  19. I think so. The other guy was thinner, IIRC. She is exhausted from a day of shopping for new clothes.
  20. No indication that Samson or Lorraine is going to this party. Zabava tried on a pair of new, pretty shoes with a 10 cm stiletto heel, but put them away, so she is not going.
  21. B-5 left at 20:35. Dressed very nicely for a party. Thor wearing long pants. Holly in white, heeled boots. Tweety is celebrating her birthday tonight?
  22. Tweety bought Holly a gift, a new purse. Holly then gave Tweety a gift, a new purse. This may be an inside joke arising from their last trip. Holly was dressed in a short black slip, no panties. Her purse was all white. Tweety was dressed in a white sun dress. Her purse was black. Tweety did not stay long. She gave Timor and Thor the same single kiss on the cheek. Much more affectionate with Holly. Tweety looks well-cared for.
  23. When Ailey arrived, she arrived with suitcases of dirty clothes, which soon were washed and dried. When she left for wherever she was going, she packed towels from the villa. She has a Mac notebook so she is not impoverished. Wherever she went, she left her blue-colored passport and visa papers behind. Makes me think she was rushed into B-7 to fill an empty bed, and she agreed but also said she had previous commitment(s) and RLC agreed to her keeping those commitments.
  24. Tereza is obsessed with her long hair. Maybe when she is brushing her hair in the bathroom, which happens frequently, she is on free cam.
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