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Everything posted by moules

  1. If she didn't care, she would have thrown it out. they have thrown other things out.
  2. If they were closing B-6, eva wouldn't have hung her painting on the wall.
  3. I think B&N, but especially B, would prefer Lucien and Alex to be in B-4 or B-7. Nelly without a nearby friend drinks even more. I think her next closest friend in B-4 or B-7 is Holly. and after Holly?
  4. Eva and Mat seem to be packing as if they are traveling somewhere outside of Barcelona, and not from one apartment to another.. Eva took a painting I believe she had painted and hung it on the wall.
  5. In the group portrait, Kylie and Rus are seated next to each other. Holly is not next to Thor, and Lorraine and Samson are separate. So party is to celebrate K&R, not any announcements of engagements, weddings, pregnancies etc. These round of farewell visits to the apartments reinforces my belief that K&R are leaving Catalonia
  6. Lorraine seems to have disappeared. Lilith has arrived with her backpack.
  7. There are still countries which will still issue visas, so perhaps they will go to one of those countries and get a fresh visa stamp. It was reported that the Russian quartet traveled to the Republic of Georgia for a 'vacation', and they have subsequently re-appeared in Barcelona. This does mean though that one avoids airports and travels by train or bus. But I think this was their mode of travel from Georgia/Turkey to Rome.
  8. Maybe a White Nights party. You can have a White Nights party any night this time of year. It is a mega celebration in St. Petersburg, but also celebrated in Ukraine. Or maybe this will be a celebration after a trip to the Barcelona Marriage Bureau yesterday.
  9. Mat seemed to pack a cookware item. So maybe another apartment. We will know more if they use open top bags to pack some of their clothes.
  10. Educated Russians who live in cities are very unhappy right now. They are tired of the war and what it has done to their way of life. Putin is encouraging such people to leave, and more leave by the day. It is possible they may be leaving to go to another country to change their visa. I recall that they traveled to either Georgia or Turkey when they left Russia. See: Worldwide/Russia: Update on Visa Suspensions for Russian Citizens | Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy LLP WWW.FRAGOMEN.COM • As an update, some European countries continue to temporarily suspend visa issuance and restrict other immigration rules for Russian...
  11. This does look like they are packing to leave, but to where? Unlikely a return to Russia. Maybe join the reserve component of former participants from Russia who remain in Barcelona, Harley, Olivia, etc. They are much more interesting when they are entertaining guests.
  12. Esmi seems to have taken over Lorraine's room, much as Zaba took over Holly's room while Holly was away. Together, they did little in B-1, and now apparently both seem set to reside in B-4, and they will probably do little in B-4 as well. Perhaps Esmi knows of RLC plans for Lorraine and Samson, and Holly and Thor, and intends to inherit Lorraine's room. Squatters rights!
  13. It will be interesting if there are visits between this couple and Masha. And if so, whether Jul has a strap-on that could test Masha's limits. The balcony temperature is again consistent with the current temperature in Rome.
  14. RLC listens to the complaints of CC posters. Bogdan is in the backyard trimming the grass and the the weeds.
  15. At a U.S. webcam site that preceded RLC by about ten years, there were two girls participating whose names confused the other participants when both girls were 'working' at the same time. The fake name of one girl was the real name of the second girl, and the fake name of the second girl was the real name of the first girl. Subscribers didn't know about this overlap in names, Most of the girls real names were completely different from their fake names,
  16. No, I think they were invited very late, as were some others. Nelly and Alex dressed for the party over three hours ago, and leave for the party, but soon return, and take off their white clothes. Two hours later, Amira and Lilith arrive in B-7, looking for the party. They are wearing dressy clothes, but these are not white in color. Lucien tries to understand what is going on, and is exasperated. Nelly and Bogdan are not there. Nelly has left B-7 earlier dressed in casual clothes and with her backpack. After 20 minutes or so, Amira and Lilith return to B-4, and begin quickly changing into white clothes. Then most of the other girls in B-4 begin changing into white clothes too. K&O hurriedly change into white clothes as well. Nelly arrives back in B-7 and changes back into a white gown and puts on her silver wig. Alex also changes back to white. Alex and Nelly go to B-4, followed by K&O. To me, this confusion and chaos looks to be the result of a party planned elsewhere, with a smaller list of those attending, that was s cancelled. After that party was cancelled, this party in B-4 was hastily organized to replace it. When two girls from B-4 go to B-7 thinking that is where the party is, or where they will be picked up to go to the party, and neither they nor anyone in B-7 knows about any party at B-4 that suggests to me the real party was cancelled, and the party in B-4 was quickly organized to substitute for it.
  17. K&O have already left the party and are back in B-7.
  18. Nelly has put her silver wig back on, and she and Alex are again dressing in white. For some reason, the start of the party was delayed by several hours. Poor communication between RLC and the participants.
  19. I fucking give up. Nelly is back in B-7 and she and Alex are again getting ready for a party. K&O are also dressing in white.
  20. Leaving for the same party that Nelly & Bogdan, Thor and Molly, Samson and Lorraine are at.
  21. They returned to B-4, because they were not dressed in white. Now they are dressing themselves in white, like Nelly and Alex did earlier. It is a white-themed party. Monica is now going. She is in white also. Perhaps Zara and Dana too.
  22. Lilith and Amira have departed B-7. Likely on their way to the party where they will join up with N&B, T&H, S&L, and maybe several other past and current participants.
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