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Everything posted by moules

  1. Surprised to see Holly return so soon. She left with the small yellow suitcase and a backpack. All her stuff is still under the stairs in B-4.
  2. A probable Level 5 can be seen using Google Earth if you fly in from east to west. The Google Earth imagery was taken before B-7 opened, and no one can be seen at B-4 on a bright sunny day. At B-7 however, there are maybe three or four people, including two girls on the O&K balcony. Google Earth clearly shows another terrace (balcony) below Samson's balcony. If you look at the cam of Samson's balcony, cam 3-11, you can see on the left, the wall with a metal rail on top to prevent anyone from falling to the other terrace (balcony) below it. If Samson is level 3, this other, lower terrace must be level 5. The orientation of the RLC floorplan is correct. Samson's room and balcony are facing north. The O&K balcony faces east. The N&B balcony faces east.
  3. This excursion into architecture was started because there is a couple in B-7 who are clearly participants in the project but are not listed as such, apparently as no bedroom is presently assigned to them. They, and RLC, seem to be waiting for something to happen. A new apartment? A new villa? New rooms in an existing villa? Secondly, some subscribers seem interested in knowing the locations where participants might hide from the camera, especially if there may be off-camera sex. For example, there is a balcony in B-4 that is off-camera, and a secluded but rather large rooftop terrace at B-4 that is also not on cam.
  4. More on B-7 floorplans. The east facade, as seen from the rear yard looking west, on the opt floor is B&N's balcony. Level 2. Below that is level 1. Below level 1, on the left is the large balcony off of K&O's room. To the right of this balcony is the window for the large bathroom. This is level 3. Below level 3, there appears to be a level 5, which is not on cam. On the north side of the villa. There are two sideyards. The one closest to the road is Samson's 'balcony. This was not used by the previous owner (it receives little sun), and was greatly improved by RLC. It is not a true balcony. It is a square terrace. There is a railing at the east end of the terrace to prevent anyone from falling to the second terrace, which is below Samson's terrace. This second terrace can only be a terrace for a room in level 5. (Samson's terrace is level 3.) The villa as originally built had a large stone terrace in the rear yard. This may have been a level below the villa itself. It was the primary entertaining area for the villa, perhaps 40 square meters. In 2019, this terrace was demolished for reasons unknown. In 2020, the area was planted with grass. In 2022, before the villa opened, there are indications that further construction work may be going on in this area. A new fence may have been installed separating the rear yard of B-7 from the middle terrace of B-4. There is no cam that provides a view of this area. If this stone terrace was the main area for social entertaining for the original villa, that suggests that level 5 was used to support this entertaining. RLC's contractors apparently use the empty lot next to the villa to deliver and remove materials. Perhaps this was the route followed by the intruder to reach B-4.
  5. The easiest way o drive a car down the ramp for B-7 would be to use the gate for B-4, and then turn and drive down the ramp to B-7. There is a curb cut for the vehicle gate for B-4. However, unless it was recently removed, there is a barrier wall at the property line separating the two ramps. This is a dangerous road to try jumping a curb to access the ramp for B-7. The speed limit is 30 Km. It is a blind chicane with a steep gradient. To jump the curb at the gate for B-7, you would need to be driving in a southbound direction, stop, turn 90 degrees to your direction of travel, and jump the curb. After jumping the curb, immediately stop because if you are going too fast, you could drop 5-6 meters to the space below the ramp. Where the road widens by the pedestrian gate for B-7, the local government created parking spaces along the side of the road for use by B-7 residents and visitors. There are 15 steps on the stairs from the garage terrace to the B-7 pedestrian gate. Perhaps it was Nelly who put the Beware of the Dog sign by the pedestrian gate for B-7? The contractors renovating B-7 before its re-opening were working in the garage area, as they temporarily removed a window There is a strange, expensive pedestrian gate for B-4 at the property line, on the pool side of the property. The gate has a stone facing identical to the stone used in the wall, as if to hide its existence. I'm not sure where it leads to, although there is an intercom box. This is not the gate used by those leaving by the front door of B-4.
  6. Bajo - 01 Vivienda 102m² 01º - 01 Vivienda 110m² 02º - 01 Vivienda 43m² 02º - 02 Garaje o Almacén 35m² 02º - 03 Deportivo 32m² -1º - 01 Garaje o Almacén 54m² The first three have cams. The second three do not. It is possible that the balcony is being categorized as Deportivo, but I don't know Spanish property classifications. The garage is not really a garage, it is used for storage or another use. The ramp to the garage from the street is probably used to move large items to and from the villa, when B-4 and B-7 had different owners. The original owner of B-7 never cut the curb to allow a car to easily access the ramp. The pedestrian gate to the B-7 villa leads to set of stairs with about 10 steep steps. You could drive a motorcycle down the ramp, but probably not a car. So, in theory, you could use the garage as a garage for motorcycles. The parking terrace between the ramp and the 'garage' is the roof of the terrace seen in 4-3 and 4-4., and probably not built to support the weight of a car. There are three terraces in the back of B-4: the first terrace is seen in 5-6. the second terrace, and the third terraces are below that. It does not appear that you could access B-4 from the backyard of B-7 using the first (upper terrace) of B-4 which is seen in 5-6. If after buying B-7, RLC created a connection across the property line between the backyard of B-7, and the middle terrace of B-4, then you could access B-4 that way. The steps from the upper terrace to the middle terrace and from the middle terrace to the lower terraces are quite steep. Someone suggested that when a group left B-7 by the backyard and did not appear in B-4, that they went elsewhere. It is relatively easy to reach the rear yard of a different villa on a different street from B-7's rear yard. (B-7's rear yard is not the same as the backyard seen in 4-6.) However, if the group did this, that would indicate that RLC owns the villa at the rear of B-7. These two villas were probably built at about the same time. They both have the decorative stone blocks, which is not typical.
  7. So contrary to reports, Olivia and Ulyana did not return to Russia hen they left B-4. Fiora was supposedly the only one who remained in Barcelona. Very likely, Harley is also still in Barcelona. ddhm will be pleased! To be precise, the report was they left for Georgia and from there were heading to Russia, as no flights between western europe and Russia.
  8. Thank you, but I have now found it after a little help. About 30 percent of the space in the B-7 villa is not on cam, over 100 square meters. B-7 is older than B-4, which surprised me.
  9. Speaking of elevators, the elevator doors in B-4 appear to open in different directions compared to what you think you see on the floorplans. As if the elevator had multiple doors, which would be unusual for an elevator in a villa. The elevator at level four opens toward the left. The elevator at level 2 opens toward the right. The elevator at level one opens facing the camera
  10. The aerial photo would be helpful. The issue about the floor-plan is largely due to RLC seems not to adhere to the international standard for floorplans. The standard is that all floorplans in the Northern Hemisphere are oriented north. I can't say whether that is the standard in the Southern Hemisphere. The floorplan for level 2 in B-7 does not appear to follow the standard.
  11. As Moos said, this is Alex and Lucien. They were in B-5 when they participated. They returned to the Ukraine, and those who knew where they lived in Ukraine were concerned about their welfare because it was a high danger area. When they lived in B-5, they were good friends of Nelly and Bogdan. At that time, N&B lived in an off-cam apartment in Barcelona. That they are good friends with N&B may possibly stem from their being ethnic Russians,, which is the predominant ethnicity of Ukrainians living in northeastern Ukraine, close to the Black Sea. The other night, Bogdan and Lucien left B-7, allowing Nelly and Alex to have the villa to themselves.. They celebrated by jumping naked in the pool, taking nude baths together, drinking a bottle of champagne, vaping and smoking weed, but no sex. After Lucien and Bogdan returned to the villa, and N&B had gone to bed, Lucien fucked Alex for about 30 minutes almost non-stop. His endurance is improved compared to what it was in B-5. Because they are such good friends of B&N, it is fair to speculate that they will live in either B-7 or B-4, as long as B&N continue to live in B-7.
  12. The garage is not above the terrace seen in 4.3 and 4.4 A garage placed there would mean constructing the equivalent of a small bridge using concrete or steel. There is no indication of columns cut into either the stone wall or the villa wall to support the floor of a garage... Looking at the garden/yard in 4.3, one can see an older stone wall and a railing; the railing is to prevent people from falling off the terrace into the space below. This space is on the opposite side of the house from the backyard. A garage would be prohibitively expensive. The polygon for the villa itself can be seen in the area diagram for level 4. This is not to scale. The polygon is replicated for level 1, which is closer to scale. The level 2 floor plan is not a polygon, and is for a much smaller area. The level 2 floor-plan is misleading and reverses positions of certain features. The balcony in 2.5 receives the morning sun, so it is oriented toward the city of Barcelona.. The balcony is protected by a solid concrete wall with a single pipe railing on top. The solid wall suggests it is anchored to the ground and is not cantilevered.
  13. Of course, I am like Mad King Ludwig. Another clue. The sun never shines on the terrace seen in 4-3 and 4.4. Very likely there is a terrace or veranda deck above it. The original owner of B-7 went to great expense developing the site. The slope of the hill was so steep that much of the hillside had to be excavated to provide a level foundation for the villa itself. After the excavation, 150-200 (?) square meters of heavy stone retaining wall was installed to prevent the villa from sliding down the hillside, or an adjacent villa from sliding into it. And after all this expense, the original owner of the villa hen builds himself or herself a penthouse suite with a master bath the size of a broom closet, and a master bedroom with a view of, well, nothing. <<< where B&N sleep.
  14. This visit by Bogdan and Lucien seems per-planned, as it leaves Nelly and Alex alone in B-7. Too obvious that with Thor and Samson occupied in B-1, and O&K away for two nights, that Bogdan and Lucien now find themselves in B-6, killing time.
  15. Alex and Nelly in the bath together with a bottle of champagne for a happy threesome.
  16. The suite that Nelly and Bogdan currently occupy was never intended to be a bedroom. It looks more like an artist's studio or an office. Their bathroom is really quite small, and may be new, installed by RLC. The two bedrooms occupied by Thor and Samson on level three are of inferior quality and are more equivalent to the bedroom that N&B had when they lived in B-4. the pool reflection shows Level 1 and the terraces by the pool. Above this level there appears to be another terrace, which is not the balcony shown in 2-5, as this balcony has a concrete capped wall. Above this terrace feature, there is at least one, and possibly two rows of windows. From the reflection, the floor area and dimensions for level 2 and for any level above level 2 should be similar to the floor area for level Even a casual observer can see that the floor area occupied by N&B is much smaller than the floor area for Level 1. At the far right of the reflection, there seems to be the cornice of a lower level wing of the villa. The garage? Those exiting the villa from the pool walk up two levels of stairs to reach the street. I will guess that there may be sufficient space for 4-5 additional participants in B-7.
  17. Looking at the perfect reflection in the pool, camera 4-1, at 19:30 hours, there is a level in B-7 that has no cams, and this is probably a penthouse. Perhaps they continue to work on renovating this level and installing cams, and participants will move to this level when the cams are working. Level 4 backyard is at the same level as level 3. Level 1 is the same level as the pool and terrace cams listed in level 4. Level 1 is above level 3. Level 2 is the level above Level 1. The level that has no cams is the top level, above level 2. Is this a level for Holly and Tweety, for Alex and Lucien? This level should be the most expensive level in B-7, in terms of value to RLC. I would expect it to open soon. ___________________________ Edited to add. It is possible, looking at the reflection, that there are two levels above Level 2.
  18. I thought there might be a RLC record for fastest nude shower by a new girl, but I guess not.
  19. Looks to have arrived by plane. No open top bags. But no baggage claim tags. Tall and thin.
  20. Assuming she flew on Turkish airlies, Holly arrived in Bali at 19:45 WITA time, which is eight hours ahead of UTC. Flight was 6,669 miles. The 69 miles being an omen for her time in Bali.
  21. Maybe RLC is not happy that she did not discuss with them beforehand about moving to B-4 to be in Holly's room while Holly is away.
  22. When did Holly travel to Bali before this trip? What new business is Holly starting? They do not buy clothes wherever they go. Tweety could not afford the clothes she brought back from Paris. These were bought for her. Same for the cosmetics she brought from Paris, they were bought for her. There are numerous former participants who live in Barcelona. Some even appear on camera during visits to the apartments.
  23. They have water, because they use a hose to fill the toilet bowl in the main bathroom on level 3. But there is no water pressure. Perhaps they were using a pump to provide the pressure and the pump has failed. there is plenty of water in B-7, next door.t
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