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Everything posted by moules

  1. Yes, her name has also gone from the bedroom. I think this is RLC's most expensive apartment and only friends of the managers and their bankers get to stay there.
  2. or maybe she is not gone for good, and only for the summer.
  3. There is a balcony, and architecture looks Moorish. Check day and night world map to see whether it is dark outside when terminator reaches Barcelona.
  4. If she is residing in Spain, she either holds a passport from a Schengen zone country, or she is a resident of a non Schengen country but has a work permit allowing her to work in Spain. Either way, she could be seen as having great value to the owners of a site where most girls can 'vacation' no more than 90 days because they reside outside the Schengen zone, and whose language fluency is limited to Cyrillic languages. I am somewhat familiar of the difficulty faced by US nationals who worked on a livecam site some years ago that moved its broadcast site from Florida to the Netherlands, and these girls couldn't get a work permit from the Netherlands.. Furthermore, work permits often require that you speak more than one language. The observation that she simply moved her clothes into other closets rather than packing suitcases suggests she is not leaving Spain in the next day or two. Finally, Serafina appears to come from a different socio-economic class than most of the other girls who are on 'vacation' in Barcelona. I've read here that she is familiar with the Barcelona club scene. To me, that may indicate she is a good friend of the managers/operators of the Barcelona RLC sites.
  5. Someone ought to get a new apartment out of this.
  6. Katia looks to be going out. This emaciated weird fuggin dude throws open the window and it is -14C in Moscow.
  7. Another explanation for his inability to 'perform' is that he suffers from "whiskey dick", defined by the Urban Dictionary as "The inability to maintain an erection after a long night of heavy drinking. Usually occurs at the height of sexual opportunity." Plus, its counterpart "weed dick", which is defined by the Urban Dictionary as occurring when a man experiences erectile dysfunction due to smoking too much pot." And those who take ' Molly 'and experience 'performance' issues often take Viagra to compensate. Without getting into the physiology of why this is so, Frank may be suffering from all three.
  8. There is the possibility that Frank is gay and in the closet. Consider that all three are standing naked in the bathtub. Karina is washing them off, Jenn is playing with Frank's penis without producing a reaction. Jenn steps out of the tub. Before Frank steps out of the tub, he covers his penis with his hand -- like a little boy -- so that Karina cannot see its soft state. It is Jenn who removes Karina's bra when they are in bed together, as if to say, 'its okay Frank, you can play with her.' It is Jenn who takes off her panties, pills the covers half over, and gets on top of Frank. No response from Frank. He was more interested in his song playlist than in either Jenn or Karina. No focus at the task at hand. And even if alcohol and rolled paper resulted in erectile dysfunction, he has a mouth and fingers which were not paralyzed. Do you think if it was Daisy, Jenn, and Ben (Benji or whatever his name is) together in that bed last night, that Ben would have stopped every two or three minutes to change the music?
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