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Everything posted by moules

  1. So when Mimi is in the kitchen packing food into containers, she also packs a kitchen knife, two wine glasses, utensils. Replay 2224-2227, So maybe B2 will be closed for 'renovation.' Or closed permanently.
  2. Flights from Barcelona after 2000. Milan 2015 (just left B5 at 2000) Sofia 2140 Romania 2145 Varna Bulgaria 2155 Kyiv 2230 Four hours after leaving B5 with Masha and food, N&B still have not returned to B4. Obviously, B has the RLC red Ferrari and is driving Masha to Ventimiglia.
  3. From replay, B&N and Masha left B5 at 2010. Nelly carrying several bags of what looked like food. As of 22:00, B&N have not arrived back at B4. A party with Kim!!
  4. No flights between Barcelona and Rome until tomorrow. Fastest train leaves Barcelona 2100, arrives Rome next day at 1755. Trip to visit Kim in B&N's apartment, 30 minutes.
  5. It appears Rama and Bonnie are leaving B5 for B4. Which leaves Curly and Gina.... having Curly there would be too complicated.
  6. The exercise room opens directly on to the backyard. The elevator is used to go to/from the living room, and then stairs to/from the kitchen.
  7. There is a WC. Also windows on one side, maybe looking out at the backyard. Maybe an elevator shaft.
  8. Gina not at the party, waiting for Curly in B!? Also, no Rama or Bonnie?
  9. New camera 5-3 on the pool shows a room behind the white horizontal bar. The room has a glass wall, I have seen girls' legs walking in this room. What is this room? is the room the kitchen?
  10. I think her return to Rome is now indefinite. RLC needs to boost the excitement level in B4, She may be there until level #2 re-opens, and more girls move in.
  11. There is a photo of her in The Moscow Times, if you know her name. The photo accompanies an article by AFP about the accident.
  12. From a look at replay, Holly was tired, Gina played the virgin, Nellie was eager, Masha was not focused. Nellie and Alex have very tans. Either their apartment buildings have a pool, or they were visiting the villa while it was under renovation.
  13. The phrase was "Other participants", so not false advertising. Meaning that those at B4 when it was closed for renovation would not be coming back post-renovation. There was no promise that the participants would be new to RLC,. As girls from Russia and the Ukraine are not currently allowed to travel to Spain because of the coronavirus, it is very difficult for RLC to bring new girls to Spain at this time. .
  14. If Sara returns, Curly (Cesar) will have to manage three girls. Let's see if Alex and Lucian visit Nellie and Bogdan.
  15. The second floor of B4 looks as if it may now be two bedrooms, As has been mentioned, no entry from Russia or the Ukraine into Schengen countries because of COVID, so no new girls, or no new couples. Who else might return? Masha leaves in a day or two, so another empty bed to fill.
  16. I think B5 is close to the center of Barcelona. Nellie and Masha stopped at B5 to borrow jackets because the weather had changed. It seemed they had been shopping.
  17. This girl seems to know Alex too. Perhaps she was driving Kim to the airport. The Ryanair flight to Kyiv was departing about three hours after Kim left B5. As for Kim's suitcase that Lucian took from the apartment two days ago, I think that Kim may have left that behind, --for her return to Barcelona.
  18. At 1200, Kim left with her suitcase and other bags in the company of Alex and Lucian, and a second young woman. This woman had arrived at B5 at around 11:30,. I do not know who she was. From the way they interacted, Kim and Alex knew this woman fairly well. She was probably driving Kim to wherever. .
  19. Sant Antoli i Vilnova is about 80 KM from Barcelona. But maybe Bogdan and Nellie spend weekends touring the rural towns of Catalonia. My guess is that Masha arrived in Barcelona to provide some excitement while B4 was off-line, with Bibi from B1 going to Rome to feed Masha's cats. Flora leaves so Masha has a place to sleep and Milena replaces Bibi. Does Bibi return to Barcelona? Does Milena go back to B4 or to Barcelona and her bf.? Is Kim in B5 because Bonnie and Rama are socially isolating themselves, and RLC has no replacement couple?
  20. She still has a suitcase in the kitchen. Fifteen minutes means it didn't go to the airport or to a freight forwarding company. So where did it go? A storage room in that building? Nellie and Bog's apartment if it is nearby.? Another apartment that RLC has in Barcelona that it uses for 'new' GoV before they appear at the villa or an on-cam apartment.? Anyway, at 2100, Alex, Lucian, and Kim are back in B5.
  21. It seemed the three of them had visited B5 to see Alex, Lucian, and Kim, but only Bonnie was there. Bonnie was polite, but not really social. Her behavior is stranger by the day. Masha had makeup on, so perhaps she was on the prowl again.
  22. She is packing, but it looks like it will be a short trip. I think she is moving back to B4 this weekend. Masha returning to Italy after this weekend also makes sense if the villa is re-opening. And Nellie seems to like Kim's ass.
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