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Everything posted by moules

  1. Is this the same female friend of Babi who got into bed with a sleeping Masha and Elvis and who played with Masha's pussy?
  2. I think there is a big financial consideration for Martina. If she were to leave RLC, no more apartment, no income from participating. I do not know whether she sends money home to her family. So a departure would be a big financial hit to her lifestyle. If he moves away, Alberto will also have a lower income. Unfortunately, he never did study to become a chef or an automobile mechanic, as he told his mother he would do.
  3. Thank you for the correction. I mistook this for the arrival. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording The girl spoke limited English.
  4. The girl in the red dress and Sara probably hooked up at a lesbian club in Barcelona, maybe one of the clubs that Martina supposedly goes to, or went to. Both girls, particularly Sara, were dressed fashionably. How Fior and Potatohead met up with them, no idea. Maybe they went to another club where Russians hang out and met Fior and Potatohead there. Fior was not dressed for a nice club. Last night was an illustration of what a sexual animal Sara is, and why she deserves the penthouse. Although it won't happen, a night of passion between Martina and Sara would be very interesting to watch
  5. So who is the girl in the red dress a friend of? Sara? She and Sara and Fior and Potatohead all arrived together.
  6. You could interpret an empty apartment as a positive sign. She is out in the town meeting local inhabitants and other Russian emigres who are living in this area. At the other apartment in Montenegro, it is if they are in hiding, their profile is so low. RLC has to make a significant investment in IT infrastructure to support these apartments. These two apartments are new, in expensive buildings for older towns in Montenegro, and are likely being sold to foreigners, not to the local residents, who cannot afford them.
  7. This apartment is very small. So small, it is difficult to get good camera positions. I remember that were several Russian apartments that were this small. This is an apartment that you would use for someone in transit. This makes me think there are several additional apartments coming to RLC Montenegro, and larger ones, too. Is Angie's apartment in the same town / city as S&D's apartment?
  8. As RLC currently seems able to extricate former participant's from Putin's Russia, who is next? Dick and Jane?
  9. As Sara first participated eight years ago, I am pretty sure she is Russian, And helping a fellow Russian move out. If Tani is Russian, that may explain why she did not assimilate well with the others. I always saw her as somewhat aloof.
  10. Did not Father Timur play the role of matchmaker? I also noticed Sara helping her pack. I think she may be back at some point. No visa issues if she was in B-4 for ten months, so she may be part of the Russian emigre community of Catalonia.
  11. Tani = complicated girl. I believe she never bated until after Tim had left. She was more sexually enthusiastic in her own bedroom than in Tim's She had a mischievous side that appeared all too rarely. Examples, Early on, going to a club with Lilith wearing an unbuttoned jacked with nothing underneath on top. Lilith made her wear a bra, The two parties with the deviant lesbians that Tim put a stop to. Tani, Dylan, and Aziza on the kitchen counter One mid afternoon, she dresses in black stockings, a black garter belt, black high heels, a black bustier. No panties. She covers this with a long coat. Before she gets her ride, she puts on a pair of black shorts. No free views for the driver. Was she seeing a client in a hotel, or her bf?
  12. IIRC, she was overheard several months ago saying her contract was up in June. IMO, they held her over until they were able to bring in Sara.
  13. Dylan speaks no Russian. He will need an interpreter. I nominate Tani. I have not forgotten how Tani facilitated Dylan's licking of Aziza's pussy on the B-4 kitchen counter. So she would be perfect for the assignment.
  14. I don't know whether Sara is Russian or Ukrainian, but she has no tan or tan lines. I now see from Noldus new posting that she was first on RLC in B-1 in the fall of 2015. So perhaps she is Russian. She looks to weigh about the same as the last time she was on RLC.
  15. Sara has a huge sexual appetite. She was taller than Bruno and will be taller than Dylan. She is about 175 CM if my recollection is correct. , IMO, she outfucked Bruno. It will be interesting to see who she fancies.
  16. deepdave, thank you for reminding me about Alberto's unsuccessful business venture. That happened about the time I came in to RLC, so to speak. I am not going to plow through pages of CC threads from about that time, on what the business venture was, and whether he was defrauded, or simply too inexperienced in business matters. I vividly recall the aftermath though. He looked to be a defeated man, interested mostly in playing computer games hour after hour. IMO, this was a prolonged period of rather deep depression. I also do not know the extent that Martina may have helped support her family. IIRC comments correctly, she was providing some support. I will finish by saying that I have a growing sense there are posters on this thread who are engaging in Jungian projection.
  17. As I understand the saga, Martina is 18, living in a small town and in a difficult family situation. She is young and very attractive. Alberto, at least ten years older than she, appears in her life. He has no prospects either, at least in this town. One of them suggests moving to Barcelona, which they do. They are not in Barcelona long, when the opportunity to participate in RLC is offered. They agree. The apartment is free, and they are also paid. According to an overheard conversation with his mother soon after arriving at the apartment, Alberto hopes to study to become a chef or an automobile mechanic. Both professions typically require some schooling in a technical trade. Martina will eventually enroll in a university Their lives do not develop in parallel. Alberto apparently never studies to be a chef, a mechanic, or for any other profession. His employment is intermittent, most months he is at home playing video games. He gradually becomes a background figure. He is in a relationship with a younger, attractive woman who is popular, social, and is seen by her friends as trying to improve her station in life. In one sense, his life in Barcelona appears to be a continuation of the life he was leading in the small town. IIRC, Martina has acknowledged that RLC provided her with the opportunity to improve her life. Which by most measures, she has done. What can Alberto say about his life after six years of being supported by RLC? Ten years from now, when he is near 50 years old, will he still be a gardener? ^^^ I am sure any factual errors in my summary above will be corrected those who have followed this couple longer and more intensely than I. Finally, a very attractive woman who either has a PhD or is a PhD candidate from a major Spanish university is not likely to have a long-term affair with another woman with whom she cannot intelligently converse with.
  18. Given the lag and buffering issues, RLC will consider this party to be big success.
  19. RLC is very important to both of them. However, Martina has used RLC to better herself. She now has a job outside of RLC, and a university education. The same cannot be said for Alberto. berty_47 said that Alberto has bought a one room house near his workplace. There may be an error in the translation/ berty-47 may mean that Alberto is renting or leasing a small studio apartment near the landscape business that employs him. RLC es muy importante para ambos. Sin embargo, Martina ha usado RLC para mejorarse a sí misma. Ahora tiene un trabajo fuera de RLC y una educación universitaria. No se puede decir lo mismo de Alberto. berty_47 dijo que Alberto ha comprado una casa de una habitación cerca de su lugar de trabajo. Puede haber un error en la traducción/berty-47 puede significar que Alberto está alquilando o alquilando un pequeño estudio cerca del negocio de paisajismo que lo emplea. RLC és molt important per a tots dos. Tanmateix, Martina ha utilitzat RLC per millorar-se. Ara té una feina fora de RLC i una formació universitària. No es pot dir el mateix de l'Alberto. berty_47 va dir que Alberto ha comprat una casa d'una habitació prop del seu lloc de treball. Pot haver-hi un error en la traducció/ berty-47 pot significar que Alberto està llogant o arrendant un petit estudi a prop del negoci de paisatgisme que el dóna feina.
  20. I don't go back 6+ years to the beginning of M&A on RLC. I did go back to CC's archives to the comments posted in the very early days of their participation. This comment from April 27, 2017: He became neither. He is presently a landscape laborer, which requires minimal training. If Alberto was around 30 years old when he spoke to his mother, he is now in his mid to late 30s, and his ambitions are much diminished. IMO, he has regressed during his years on RLC, years in which he spent much of his time playing computer games. RLC has financially supported them both. But Martina has used her RLC participation as a foundation from which to better herself through a university education. She has improved her English, even speaks a little Russian. On the other hand, Alberto is greatly dependent on RLC and Martina, for both are his financial lifeboat. Where would he be without either? Picking grapes in a vineyard?
  21. There is ample documentary proof that Martina is bisexual, so her showing affection to a gay friend would not be evidence of anything further; for example, Martina participating in a MMF threesome with two bisexual guys. And is not her brother gay? If her brother got into the shower with her, and they began to wash each other ALL over, then one could presume there was more to the story.
  22. After Masha and Babi shared a bath together. In the communal spirit of ancient Rome. Will we see Roxy again?
  23. In my lexicon, assumption means no evidence, presumption is some evidence but no proof If one revisits the New Year's party, with the foursome in the bedroom, that was not the first time for that quartet of M&A, Marta and bf. They were much too comfortable with the casual, pre-sex nudity. For example, Alberto's face being several centimeters from Marta's bare pussy as he dressed her. From that, one can presume that Martina has a private life of romance / sex that she selectively chooses to reveal to the cams A mutual exchange of public affection at a birthday party is evidence that there may be something more to the story, but not proof. IIRC, Martina was not similarly affectionate with anyone else at the party.
  24. The presumption that the new girl at the party was the gf is based on two observations. Only friends of Martina were at the party, and i believe she was the only one not seen before. On the balcony, this new girl sat near Martina, and was seen discretely holding hands with her. And Taco was so happy to see this new girl that he jumped up and nipped her hand. That Taco seemed to know her may be a hint that this girl lives nearby. And IIRC, the new girl was dressed conservatively and fashionably.
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