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Everything posted by moules

  1. The marriage to Kristy was not to give her Italian citizenship, but to allow for the extension of her Schengen visa, or the issuance of a new Schengen visa because she was now 'married' to a citizen of a Schengen zone country.
  2. Possible explanations. 1.) Kristy is not going to Madrid. That was a false story told to mislead RLC subscribers. Her dance company is Russian; I thought it strange they would travel to Spain to perform, given the hostilities. Even stranger was the story that the Dance Company would pay for Taylor's travel to Madrid. 2.) Kristy is leaving for Russia in a day or two, and hopes to return with a Schengen visa. If marriage to Taylor is one way of obtaining the visa, she could exit Russia for Georgia or Turkey, travel to Italy on a non-Schengen visa (see Sam and Eva) and marry Taylor in Italy. Taylor is an Italian national so perhaps easier to do that in Rome than Madrid. --------- Interesting that Lilith did not come the door to see Kristy leave. To me, Lilith will see her again soon.
  3. It would seem Taylor is not going to Madrid. Perhaps the only reason for her to travel to Madrid was to see if she could marry Kristy, for the Schengen visa. From how Kristy packed some of her stuff, it will not be going with her to Russia from the way she packed. Perhaps she expects to return. Lilith is packing but it seems she is not going far.
  4. From the way Kristy packed, she is dropping off some of her stuff somewhere in Barcelona. Those who helped carry her stuff have not returned to B-4, or B-7. Kristy went to B-7 briefly for a good-bye hug to Tani and Tim. Assuming Kristy is still going to Madrid for several days to re-join her dance company, she will return to Barcelona before traveling to Russia.
  5. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording ^^^Tim seems upset by something he sees or reads on his phone, at about 0:300 today. Tani seems to be subdued and pensive. (I came across this scene last night.) They had apparently been in Barcelona. Tani was wearing her above the knee, black, high-heeled boots. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording ^^^This morning, Tani wearing one of Tim's statement T-shirts. This one says: D E F E A T E D. He has another statement T-shirt, which he was wearing this morning, saying FURIOUS RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording ^^^ Tim again briefly upset about something this morning. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording ^^^ Tani returning to B-4 this morning, and passes Lilith in the hall. They don't say a word. Lilith was Tani's best friend and confidante in B-4.
  6. This is not a matter of imagination, but of observation. Men who are controlling misogynists will see her behavior through the prism of their experience and personality. Empathetic women will see their behavior together differently. The hallucinations of others are matched by your delusions. True, it is a matter of Tani's choice. Friday a week ago, she could have told him to "Fuck Off'. But she didn't. Last night on the terrace, Rani appears to be challenging him, and, from his body language, he seemed defensive. My view of him is that he is a very minor league Svengali.
  7. The last time that Tani seemed to genuinely be enjoying herself was last Friday's party. It is sad because, IMO, she had the potential of being a long-term, popular participant.
  8. They were either not invited to the communal dinner, or chose not to attend. They left before the party started. As she was leaving B-4, Tani walked by Lilith and Miron, both with their hands holding bags of food and drink. They were leaving at the same time as Tani. There was no communication between Tani and Lilith, and Tani made no offer to help. This may indicate that Lilith and Tani are now estranged. Tim apparently blames Lilith for instigating last Friday's party. When they returned to B-7 about five hours later, they mostly isolated themselves at the end of the terrace. Occasionally others would come out and chat with them for a while. While Tani was inside, Rani and Tim had an animated conversation, Rani more animated than Tim. From the body language, Rani may have been asking something like 'what's going between the two of you?' Tim was inside the B-7 only briefly, and did very little socializing when he was inside. Tani was inside for a period of time, socializing with several of the girls. She was wearing a very puffy bright pink jacket, so easy to spot. They are now in bed, having warmed their feet in the bath tub. It is almost as if they are in exile within the villa, or like a pair of royals who are on the outs with the royal family. I will be surprised if they don't leave the project soon.
  9. I see Masha is on vacation until the 16th. Are she and her mother sightseeing? Mum and Masha appear to have taken only backpacks. Maybe Masha wants to show her mother Sagrada Familia
  10. Before your time Frank, but to Taylor's list of impalements, add Piper, who also speared Taylor with the mighty sword more than once. -------------------- As an aside, in the spa the other night, just before Kristy finally goes down on Taylor, they look out the window (the shade was up) and a naked Kristy stands up, exposes herself, and waves to one or more people who are in the small parking area by the B-4 garage/office. She then lowers the shade, blocking them from seeing her licking Taylor. A very quick check of the cams didn't show anyone leaving or arriving. Someone using the 'office' at B-4 for an off-camera liaison?
  11. Tim acts badly on Friday. On Tuesday, Miron arrives and fills the bed in B-7 that has long been empty. And now it seems that Miron, -- an unlikely candidate as a participant given the Body Mass Index of Samson, Thor, and even Bogdan -- was in Barcelona all this time. Coincidence? Tim and Tani were apparently not invited to yesterday's meal at B-7 with B&N, Miron, and Lilith (with food brought by Lilith and Miron, and cooked by Bogdan). Was it not conspicuously impolite not to invite the third guy living in B-7 to this meal? Perhaps Kristy's wave at Tani as she headed for B-7 the other day, was not so much a dismissive wave, as a good-bye wave (and not because Kristy was leaving).
  12. If I were a participant, I would not want to get on Lilith's bad side as she does seem to be a link to the hiring of some of the recent participants, and to guests who stayed for several weeks. And also Alex, who slept with Lilith in Lilith's bed just prior to Tani's arrival. It will be interesting at the farewell party tomorrow if there are new faces or resurrected familiar faces present Possible replacements for the departing?
  13. Kimberly was the first female participant to touch Tani's bare pussy, a week ago. That was followed later than night, after Tim had rescued Tani from the B-4 lesbians, by Lilith and Kimberly groping each other's pussies on Lilith's bed. But Kimberly was apparently too drunk for it to progress further.
  14. Yes, Masha too. Where Masha asked for the strap-on, Taylor obliged, and after several minutes, Masha said 'mo more'. I didn't put Kristy on the list because I surmised that FZ [HF] had mentally included her, as his posts acknowledged that the bull dyke lesbian was having sex with Kristy. (Unless of course he had banished the view of their having sex from his memory.) I don't know how many bull dyke lesbians FZ has come across, but I don't think Taylor would be considered a bull dyke by other lesbians. I have a friend who is an androgynous lesbian, so she often takes the boy role with her strap-on. She would consider Taylor to be on the 'thick' side based on a photo she sent of a lesbian she would be visiting. She can work remotely, so she travels internationally to visit her lesbian friends, and they likewise. She was supposed to go to a fixture at Old Telford with several of them, but the match was postponed because of the Queen's funeral. Manchester police had been sent to London, and there were none to spare to police the premises. For Harley if he still lurks, dykes in San Francisco with their Harleys! OFFICERS & MEMBERS | SF Dykes on Bikes WWW.DYKESONBIKES.ORG
  15. Lilith visited B-7. She and Miron arrived together with supplies. Lilith, Miron, N&B share a meal together, followed by these four socializing on the terrace. Miron then walks Lilith back to her room in B-4, where there is a fraternal kiss before he leaves.and returns to B-7. It would appear that Lilith knows Miron from Barcelona.
  16. Taylor has fucked Lilith, Tani (until she was interrupted), and, IIRC, a guest girl or another girl from Barcelona.. She missed Monica. She may have tied Aleksandra's record.
  17. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording Relink to Kristy's dismissive and cruel wave to Tani as she rushes up the stairs to return to B-7 Going back to the all-girly party over the weekend, when Tani and Lilith come from the LR and have lust laid down in Tani's bed. Taylor comes racing down the stairs to tell them that she thinks Tim is in the villa. Lilith immediately leaves the bed to investigate, soon followed by Tani. Tani exclaims 'No Way No Way No Way.' It is a false alarm. When Tim actually does arrive in the villa a few minutes later to find Taylor feasting on Tani's pussy and Lilith playing with her breasts, he appears to blame Lilith for instigating this. Just a thought that perhaps Lilith was indeed the prime instigator and wanted to prove to Tani that not only was Tim watching her on RLC when she was not with him, but that he would come over to B-4 if Tani engaged in girl-girl sex. So Lilith and Tani set up a test to see whether Tim was stalking and whether he would react to what he saw. So Kristy's wave may be her expressing that she tinks Tani is a fool for staying with Tim. ---------------------------- And then there is Stockholm Syndrome, now a medically-recognized psychiatric condition. Stockholm Syndrome: What It Is, Symptoms & How to Treat MY.CLEVELANDCLINIC.ORG Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response, a survival instinct, in which captives develop positive feelings toward their hostage-takers.
  18. Perhaps something is lost in translation. Tani is not his wife. But he acts as if she is his possession.
  19. I don't know whether they are behaving strangely. It seems to be a continuation of recent behavior, but accelerating. Tim was never very social, Miron in two days has been more social that Tim in any two weeks. But Tim now seems more isolated than ever before. We should wait and see whether he attends the farewell party on Friday, and if he doesn't, whether he allows Tani to attend. I thought it noteworthy that most of the B-4 girls visited B-7 to meet Miron. As for Tani, she now spends very little time in B-4 Her demeanor is more serious, less happy, playful, and enthusiastic. Using their appearance on replay thumbnails as a measure, their sex in B-7 is substantially less than what it was when Tani was sleeping in B-4 most of the time. With the arrival of Miron, the empty bed is now filled, and IMO, Tim has become less critical to RLC. I was surprised that RLC filled that room with another guy. And it could be that Tim has been told that his time at B-7 is coming to an end. And possibly Tani's time as well, as Tim's possessiveness has now joined the two of them at the hip. Lilith seems to have had some role in Tani becoming a participant, and if Lilith, Taylor, and Kristy all leave soon, who is left in B-4 to be her friend / confidante? Or in B-1, B-2, or B-5 for that matter. That would be depressing, IMO. .
  20. one else. You are applying your standards to everyone else. --------------------------------------------- The real world of contemporary Spanish marriage According to a 2020 UN survey, the divorce rate in Spain is 85.5 of every 100 marriages. Spaniards aren't marrying for life, or a long duration. So if the Kristy Taylor relationship lasts a month, or a year, or even several years, the end of their relationship is consistent with the Spanish norm. (Portugal was first in the rankings with 91.5 of every 100 marriages ending in divorce.)
  21. If Kristy declares she is a lesbian, as such, and is now discriminated against by the Russian government, I think she possibly could receive a humanitarian Schengen visa. [quote] individual application The Visa Code contains derogatory provisions allowing for the issuing of short stay visas on humanitarian grounds, for reasons of national interest or because of international obligations. This is relevant, for instance, in case of visa applications lodged by dissidents, independent journalists, human rights defenders and representatives of civil society organisations and their close family members, that are not controlled by the government of the Russian Federation and their close family members. Member States should apply these derogatory provisions after a thorough assessment. It is therefore up to Member States, based on an individual examination, to assess if applications by Russian citizens can qualify as falling under the category “humanitarian grounds”. There is no unique set of documents that would prove that a person qualifies for a visa on humanitarian grounds, because individual circumstances differ too widely and need a case-by-case assessment.[/quote]
  22. Gays and lesbians re now persona non grata in Russia. So I will agree with you the current relationship would be a short one if both went to Russia. Russian parliament passes law banning 'LGBT propaganda' among adults WWW.REUTERS.COM Russia's parliament approved on Thursday a bill that widens a prohibition of "LGBT propaganda" and restricts the "demonstration" of...
  23. There is no prohibition against Italian citizens traveling to Russia. She would need a Russia visa, obtained from a Russian embassy or consulate. She would need to leave from an airport from which flights still fly to/from Russia. A list from June. 30 Foreign Airlines Are Still Flying To Russia SIMPLEFLYING.COM Russia is less isolated than you might think, with almost 3,500 overseas flights this month.
  24. I was given the name of Kristy's dance company as of several years ago. Looking up the company, they are having an important event in Russia the last week of January. Poncherello's post about perhaps something wonderful and unexpected happening in Madrid that would allow them to continue their relationship / love could be several things. a.) Kristy has her Schengen visa expended in Madrid, b.). Kristy and Taylor get married. Taylor is a EU citizen of a Schengen country. I suspect Kristy as her spouse would now be eligible for an indefinite visa, but I am not going to look up EU law on this. c.) something else entirely.
  25. According to presumably knowledgeable posters who posted several days ago after Taylor and Kristy became good friends again, they were to go to Madrid for a week, and Kristy would then return to Russia to rejoin her dance group, and to obtain new travel documents (i.e., a new passport or a new Schengen visa.) And that Kristy was uncertain whether she would be able to leave Russia. (Aside from the war, the economic damage to the general economy, and foreign exchange problems young men are now scarce in Moscow. Many have either fled to avoid conscription, or are keeping a low profile by going out as little as possible. The clear majority of those going to clubs now are women. So there may not be much work for dancers with erotic routines.) As for Taylor, it was posted that she was returning to Italy because her brother was having an operation. It would make little sense to travel to Madrid with all their baggage, if they are booked on flights departing from Barcelona. (For Kristy, she has to travel to an airport for which there are still flights to and from Russia. An airport, outside of Western Europe, served by Emirates, for example)
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