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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. It would appear this apartment has now gone with no free cameras.
  2. Likely true. I have posted on this site twice recently where Anabel will go out the front door with a guy or two and be gone for 10 - 20 minutes but will then return and all this time Efim is in the bed passed out. And they return with nothing. Not sure what to think about this. Your not going to satisfy this girl sexually in 10 minutes.
  3. Recall this is the time when Demid pretty much forbid her from masturbating on camera after this banana event. So their sex life diminished considerable and even when he fucked her he was worthless and often times mean. He was a real prick and treated her like shit. Glad he is gone.
  4. I am a fan and while I did not see the event you described I have seen her do that before. Maybe it is because there is a guy present she really wants to have sex with but won't because she is with Efim. I do not see Anabel ever messing around on Efim. A few guys have tried unsuccessfully and she has shut them down.
  5. These two are attracted to one another. She teases him too by leaning into him and whispering things. Maybe plotting out this evening events.
  6. Sorry, few people will share a video taken in a non public camera. Only a few are talented enough to share video's for fear RLC will ban them.
  7. I watched this beautiful and amazing, albeit naive, young woman take it in the ass for more than 30 minutes a while back then he pulled it out fucked her pussy for a few moments and she sucked his cock letting him shoot his cum in her mouth where she always likes it and swallowed it. His first shot got on her face but she didn't let that stop her from getting the rest. She is the most sexual girl on here, by far.
  8. OMG I just got a boner (dirty old man boner) seeing Anabel sleeping in the guest room with no covers and spread wide open for anyone to see that amazing pussy and ass. And with like 5 guys walking around finding a place to sleep. Christ this woman is lovely and talented in many ways.
  9. When did Lorraine get some cock? How did I miss this?
  10. 0330 - After talking and then lying on the couch with Sam for over an hour Eva got up and went to sleep in the bed.
  11. I think this may be a more serious conversation. She hasn't smiled a lot while talking. This apartment is one fucked up environment these days. It's anyone's guess what is going on with them.
  12. Note how RLC has changed the name on this apartment....from Masha and Sasha, Dasha to now as Dasha and Sasha, Masha. Edited to correct apartment name.
  13. She seem really focused on whatever is on the laptop. It is some application she runs as I have watched the reflection in the oven when she sits in her usual spot at the table. Not sure it is actually school work or some job she may have. I mean they don't even sleep together anymore.
  14. My Aussie friend you are like 100th on the list waiting for Leora's call. I'm not sure my order but I have watched this woman mature sexually from only fucking and swallowing to starting to pleasure herself. It has been amazing to watch. They have never been a couple to have sex often. Like once every 10 days or so. Now with the masturbation she "performs: for us much more often. Paul has never been able to get his reasonably sized cock REAL hard and last long enough for her to orgasm and that will never change. I just want to spend a couple days pleasuring her in ways I haven't seen them do on line yet.
  15. Yes, but they still lived in the same apartment and they also were a married couple. This scenario may resemble theirs is all I'm saying. Stepan and Maya even slept in the same bed until the day he moved out. She only quit wearing her wedding rings shortly before he moved out as well.
  16. This apartment reminds me of the path Maya and Stepan took. Tolerant of each other when together on camera. Then after a few months of no sex Maya brings a guy home to fuck and they were still married. Who knows?
  17. Thank you for looking. I no longer have a membership. Again, thank you.
  18. Can someone with replay check to see if Eva washed her butt plug in the kitchen around 1815 plus or minus 5 minutes. She washed something and packed it in her backpack. With my dirty mind I thought it was her butt plug.
  19. Not sure who or what you are looking at but Kristy is not big. Some would argue she has the best ass on the planet. And while her boobies are small she is a beautiful and woman.
  20. Notice she dropped everything so she could spend time with him...granted Sam is present. She REALLY likes this guy maybe even more than Sam.
  21. If this young man works for Microsoft as someone had indicated he may have been traveling for business. Based upon his hours I guess he does phone support for their Office 365 product line. I know they have offices in the Czech Republic as well as numerous locations in India.
  22. So true! Remember the time she repaired the front quarter panel of their car in the living room. This girl can do anything with her hands. She was never one to fuck everyday but she has no hesitation to tell the man how to please her. She knows exactly what needs to be done to make her come. Love this woman and always will. Very low maintenance too. Even tempered. When her and Stepan were going through their issues neither one raised voices to each other. Today I think her and Stepan share custody of the dog.
  23. Must have gone out for a smoke. Would have been a shocker for Anabel to leave and have sex with someone else.
  24. 0330 did Anabel leave with some guy? Wasn't sure she wasn't kissing him before they went out as I no longer have a subscription so not sure how accurate I am.
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