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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. This is one nice looking Spanish boy. In my opinion much better looking than Miguel. Likely not equipped like Miguel. Regardless of how each of us feels about Nicole we are all not happy she fucks multiple guys bareback. The only time I have seen Nicole pull out a condom is if the guy (first guy she brought home and Miguel) is having trouble cumming and she has offered to allow them to cum inside her with a condom. I'm pretty sure she did this with the first guy and I saw her do it with Miguel when he was having trouble cumming one night.
  2. It isn't just the fucking. I love to eat pussy and I don't want to be licking a pussy some other guy is tapping too. Nicole fucks bareback.
  3. I don't shave my legs but I am one who does shave my pubic area and have for 25 years. Just can't stand the hair down there. I bring this up Harley about my family because when it comes to women I have this radar that goes off when I think something doesn't mesh with my upbringing. I am speaking about Nicole mostly as for some reason I really like her but there is something my Daddy radar detects about her and I am afraid you are more right than I am. And Naga too. He is almost blind to her and I am a close second. Trying everything to see the positives but I can easily lean toward some of the others on here who see her as a "player" and a "selfish woman". I certainly think she is selfish. Others may say she does her own thing but there are too many instances where she displays a very selfish streak and I have commented at those times. Thank you for the nice compliment by the way.
  4. Yes, and he had his hands on her ass last week. Not last night. If you look at replay last night when they were watching the tablet there was a time when he leaned his head on her shoulder and she moved so he could not do that. She also spent most of the time with the pillow on her lap and I think that was because she was showing some real camel toe. Again, I am trying to give her some credit, but at times really struggle doing so.
  5. Without seeming to brag, I want to say I know all about women. I grew up with two older sisters (8 and 6 years older) and they had all girls. One had 4 and the other had 2. My wife and I had 4 girls and 1 boy. For the math experts that is 10 girls and 1 very spoiled boy. My sisters and nieces went ape shit when we had the boy as he is the youngest of everyone. And trust me, daughter 3 was very much like Nicole. We had a very heated discussion with her about having more than one sexual relationship going on at a time.
  6. I love your body Jessica. Maybe more than anyone on this site. it is perfect for me. Too bad you are such a pixie. I have a feeling you would be a lot of fun and really good in bed if you would just let yourself go. Relax, you have already cheated on your boyfriend in more ways than one so go get yourself a good fuck. Show us that inner sexuality because you definitely have it. And, by the way, I love your music this morning. An English station.
  7. I am quite sure it was the guy that cooked for them. And yes, unfortunately, it would not surprise me if she has many other lovers as she likes sex and is looking for the guy that can make her cum. And I am in the US so I can't show her. I will, however, be in Spain again in 2018 so if she wants to meet me I will teach her how to make herself cum. And, as nasty as I am, I will spend a few hundred hours licking that pussy and asshole. In my naivety with this girl, I was hoping it meant she was showing loyalty to Miguel as she fucked Miguel the night before in this apartment. I really struggle with liking women who have more than one sexual relationship at a time and Nicole especially as she fucks bareback.
  8. 0605 Nicole still trying to get to sleep. Honey, consider some lifestyle changes and give yourself some peace of mind. Glad to see you were not on your phone all night and in bed. Was amazing that you were not on the phone all the time as usual when BF was there tonight. First time I have seen you go almost 2 hours without that phone in your hand. Then when you went to bed you only looked at for a few moments. Maybe this BF gets your attention unlike everyone else in your life!!
  9. Sorry friends but I have one final comment tonight and it is directed at Nicole..... Nicole, those are the ugliest panties I have seen you wear. Please ditch them. you have way too fine an ass to wear those ugly things.
  10. They did not do anything but watch something on the tablet. Nothing intimate. Can you please take a look at reply at around 3:43am on cam6 (Hall Cam). Look at the kiss Nicole gives.him. 1) this is the type of kiss friends in Spain give each other (they kiss each cheek) 2) this is far different than the kiss she gave him after he cooked dinner and spent the night with him soon after. This kiss shocked me. Let me know you thoughts please.
  11. Did you all see that kiss she gave him when he left. In Spain, when you kiss a friend goodnight/ goodbye you kiss each cheek. At 3:43am that is the kiss Nicole gave him. That is not the type of kiss she gave him when he left after fixing dinner. Those with reply please take a look and let me know your thoughts.
  12. I think Nicole is downstairs having a cigarette or two with a new boyfriend. One who does not want to be seen on camera. I think Nicole should go to the swingers club. She may find an experienced lover to assist her on getting an orgasm. Teach her how to have one. She seems to struggle too much and boy is that not good when you like sex as much as she does. And I love it as much as she does as well.
  13. Did Nicole bathe this morning or just wash her pussy? I ask because she spent a lot of time on her makeup and put on one of her favorite panty and bra sets. Wondering who her date is with today?
  14. Not too fond of Nicole tonight. Another time when Miguel did not cum. And she sure didn't. She is a selfish lover. Don't like that she fucked another guy after appearing to dump Miguel then she brings Miguel back for another fuck. Not good having too many guys fucking you at the same time in life. Not fair to them. Especially when she is known to do this bareback.
  15. I think Nicole is a little horny and drunk. If she decides to fuck Miguel it may be very nice to see. She is more wild when she is drunk judging by the first guy she brought home. She sucked that dick for hours trying to get it hard.
  16. I wasn't sure who put the sign up original. When I was watching all I saw were the girls looking at the sign. Did not see anyone put it up. I wondered where it came from. With regard to the loud music, I think previous girls have had their music louder without an issue with the neighbors.
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