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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. Just got on after a few hours out and about. What is Danaya wearing to bed? Angelina looking good, Nicole AWOL again and making a complete ass of RLC Management and US. She is never present any longer so for those saying RLC won't do anything because they have no one to replace her need to remember if she is never there what's the difference. Send her home with a clear message she will never be allowed to return.
  2. 0715 and this couple is sleeping as one person. I love to watch them. They are such a romantic couple. They sleep so close to one another and it is enjoyable.
  3. Thank you Naga. No question she has a beautiful pussy and enjoys using it, which is a real turn on for me as well. I am just really disappointed in her to the extent I want new people in that apartment other then her and Danaya.
  4. As usual Nicole did not fall asleep until near 0600 so she has had only 4 hours of sleep. So what got her up must be important.
  5. Well, as nasty as I am (trust me I am nasty) I have gotten an education tonight. Moon Landing, upper decker, Holy Shit.
  6. What a rude and selfish woman Nicole is. I have no positive feelings for her anymore after her performance tonight. Coming to bed and being on her phone for over 1 hour was rude enough but at 0400 Estelle got up to go sleep in the living room and even before she left the room the selfish one purposely moved her sorry ass to the center of the bed so Estelle could not come back. I hope she is gone before the end of the week.
  7. I think the line about Nicole wanting to get up early and do things was pure BS. She rarely was asleep before 0500 even before Estelle's arrival. Can't get up too early when you don't get to sleep until 0500. Rarely out of bed before Noon and most times after 1300. Not much daylight left.
  8. Too bad for both girls. Behind us now and hopefully both the girls will find some peace in their lives.
  9. I do think Mia has been showing us a lot given how hesitant she was even after Lia started giving us some nice shots.
  10. Absolutely right on Naga. I was thinking the same thing as Lia has been rubbing her pussy quite a bit. I thought last night she was going to masturbate but then Mia walked into the room. These two have been showing us a lot of their beautiful pussies.
  11. It was at a time when we were having some issues with CC and when I posted the comment it was well after the event and I had not taken down the time of the Irma comment. Like finding a needle in a haystack, I think. Others tried.
  12. I still wonder what Jessica was so happy about when Irma gave her some information that she read, in English, from her mobile phone. Jessica was very happy. Yet, no one could see this on Replay after I posted it.
  13. 0330 and no Nicole. In my opinion, what she is doing is nothing more than a "Fuck you" to RLC. Don't understand RLC management. She very much needs to be sent on her way ASAP if for no other reason than to send a message to all participants that you need to live by the agreement or there will be consequences. And let Nicole know she just pissed away any chance of a return visit.
  14. I am trying to figure out what keeps Estelle in Barcelona. Why doesn't she pack and go home. Cost of the ticket change? Can't her BF back home send money and get her home earlier?
  15. This is so wrong. The tension in that apartment you could cut with a knife. This is not fair to Danaya and Angelina. Send them home especially Nicole. She is not a participant anyway. Hasn't been since going to B2. Almost no interaction with any of the other Barcelona girls.
  16. If thus far today is any indication we are in for a tough 10 days or so. As a father of four girls (and a wife) I was glad to see that Nicole is at least having her period. I think I saw her put a tampon in this morning. The last thing she needs at this time is pregnancy.
  17. The first thing she put in the backpack was some clothes. I don't think we will see her until tomorrow sometime.
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