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Posts posted by piedpiper1968

  1. 8 hours ago, JenniferMom said:

    I think this is a fair point Piper.   But its a grey area between "submissive" and "going through the motions".

    My point above relative to DD's point that "hey they are BOTH average" ... is that there is no reason for Martina to try harder because she simply does not doesn't feel it.  The vibe is not there.   The vibe we see is really a FWB vibe ... long-time friends who like to bring each other to orgasm (and we are not sure how often Martina cums).  They are a great couple, certainly, way better than Tibor/Linda and Kitty/Smith and Bruno/Gina.   But will they be together long term or is this just an arrangement until one or the other finds their "true love"?  That is what we are all speculating about.

    Compare Martina to Fiora with Vamp.    It was obvious that Fiora wanted him, she worshipped him, she made love to his cock, etc.,, etc.   You could see the sparkle in Fiora's eyes.  For me, Martina and Alberto just feels too mechanical.  This is all that I am saying.  They certainly are very compatible and they certainly have a lot of sex which is healthy.  

    I think if Martina truly had deep passion for Alberto, we would see a different  more passionate lovemaking.  You would see a sparkle in her eye.  And I don't think Alberto would pull up his shorts and leave immediately after cumming.

    FULL DISCLOSURE:  My sub has lapsed and I have not seen Martina and Alberto in awhile.  My observations is based on what you guys all write.  And no one posts here about how AMAZING their lovemaking was just now.  The most positive posts I read is that "hey Alberto went an extra 10 minutes this time, he's improving".   He does have his better days of course.  If he wants to win this girl, he would be totally focused on this.  

    Also agree we should not evaluate Alberto so much.  What we should be watching like a hawk is how Martina looks at Alberto ... we are lookinng for that twinkle ... and not the twinkle from the diamond nose stud.

    I hear you about just going through the motions. And with regard on your subscription I am "just going through the motions" too. My subscription is for the maximum period of six months and it renews automatically. I am not sure RLC is that important to me anymore but I always seems to let it renew because it's what I've always done. 

  2. She is a submissive sex partner. She prefers the man/ partner to lead her just like 75% of all women. In other words, it is up to Alberto to lead her. Like I said before, one thing for sure happens.... he always cums as do 90% of all men. That is the one sure thing when men fuck...they cum whether it take 2 minutes or 50 minutes the guy will cum. Now let's make sure the woman cums then the guy can cum like he always does... without fail. 

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  3. 13 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said:

    She usually lays on the opposite side he squirts his goo on. Staring into space with a blank look. He comes in with a piece of tp. He gives her a kiss, laughs and off he goes. 

    And think about it... they have been together 10 years. It's not like they just hooked up a couple of times, they've been fucking for 10 years and with her strong libido that's like 18,000 times they have fucked, and he still can't last long enough to please his woman.  If it takes her 40 minutes, then you need to last 40 minutes. And hopefully she will have multiple orgasms. In my wife's case it takes her at least 20 minutes, but man she will then have up to 5 orgasms in less than 5 minutes. Once she starts WATCH OUT!!

    • Like 1
  4. 11 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    I see a lot of heat for Daniel as he doesn’t fit the profile of the guy that people want to watch , at least that’s what I think 🙄 I think we should take into account that he is visiting the places obviously because he is invited and he doesn’t appear forcing himself , except if anyone thinks differently 😐 .


    Now , if they don’t like him , they can always tell him , we are going to sleep , show him that they can’t let him sleep there and so on , they are adults and they have a mouth to speak . But the main point is that he is invited for whatever reasons , most probably he isn’t as bad as the image that has been developed for him . 

    I am not defending him or whatsoever , but if people want him to be around , he can’t be as terrible person or company . If now it is jealousy that many people here have when they see guys / visitors / guests surrounding the tenants , then , this is another story . In any case , it is a personal opinion for a guy that I believe he suffers a much much unfair criticism when he is just a daily life guy like so many we encounter all of us daily in our lives .

    Yes, I agree to a large extent. If these people didn't want drugs he would not be there. He would not be invited. He is their drug supplier. And someone has to pay. He also takes noncash payment like Holly gave him.  There is no way she wanted to fuck him. 

  5. 2 hours ago, omedo said:

    As I see that there is a lot of speculation about the ring I will shed some light on it.
    I think it was on Wednesday when Martina went to the clinic to have an MRI on her head, she has been in pain since her encounter with Nelly a month ago when she fell to the ground and hit her head, to have the test done she can't wear anything metal so she chose to wear the ring as the piercing is more complicated to remove and put in.
    And this is the story of the ring.

    And to emphasis the importance of this going to the clinic after she hit her head, I was surprised to read the autopsy results of the death of Bob Saget said he had hit his head and still decided to go to bed, and he died in his sleep. How fucking tragic!!

    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    Nah .. just the place for some “ illegal on cameras “ substances consumption 😁 Daniel strikes usually very very late in the morning when the defenses are exhausted of his targeted individual 😎 Radislava’s presence suggests that he will be departing in some hours but he is Daniel 😁 When nobody expects , he manages .. Await anything or nothing in around 3-4 hours from now .. 

    Perhaps but she pulled him into the bathroom and rather aggressively too. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    We see the same things from Radislava but this one knows how to provoke the senses with the nude / non nude teasing ..

    This is completely different than Radi's first days. It took Radi some time. I don't watch Radi when she masturbates at all because it is like a cam show. I watch her many other times though. 

  8. Just now, ddhm said:

    Leave a girl for nearly 9 years in front of cameras , she can become from a pure amateur a complete professional..

    Yes, but I have followed Leora and she did not touch her pussy for months after going live on RLC. And when she did she was quite shy and inexperienced. It was a real joy watching her explore masturbation. 

  9. 1 minute ago, nagachilli2 said:

    We made the mistake of going on a Sunday 🤣

    I can't imagine them letting you anywhere near the Square let alone inside the buildings. The Swedish Guards must have been sleeping Naga!!  🤣

    • Haha 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Noldus said:

    I've been in that queue to get in. Around the whole of St. Peter's Square - in the sunshine

    My sister did not follow my advice and it took her over 5 hours to get in. I have been at least 5 times since 1997 and I am thankful the first time I learned my lesson only because I was on a 30 day tour of "Europe" and our local tour guide spoke about the biggest mistake people make when wanting to see the Vatican. From that moment on every visit was through a tour and I have ZERO regrets. I also do not visit any key site without going through a local tour guide. Hoping you don't get one that embellishes the story like in New Orleans Louisiana or Savannah Geogia here in the US. 

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