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Posts posted by piedpiper1968

  1. 2 minutes ago, girlsfun2 said:

    HI Boys and Girls,

    I will add up some more info about that "outfits night" later but I'm happy to see that some exchange of ideals went by: very close or far from what happen.

    But for the last few hour, there is some bad news for Martina, it affect her and now she is thinking about the outcome of some action she had taken..hum..the famous stone face.

    I will come back on this too.

    One thing for sure, Martina keep us entertaining and we have a good group here.

    Do you need intervention of : Michael (just to make fun by taping his name here), the Tall guy, the Fat guy, the 'guy' (the one unknow), The Large guy (we need a new one for the next few days) or Nelly (Nelly, get out of my hand taping) ?

    Nelly said "HI !" 😎

    P.S. Nelly, please return to your Girlsfun from Girlsfun2.




    OMG beautiful, you sure do like to get the members excited. I personally love your creativeness. Keep it up!!

    • Confused 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Max Ragnar said:

    Gosh,  let me grab the handkerchief. It's exactly the way I felt. Not sarcasm but really.  Something about that once skinny girl that draws you in and keeps you until this very day.  No longer jail bait* but a DESIRABLE!!! woman.

    *Jailbait might be a good name for the newbie First name Xenia (common spelling) last name Jailbait.

    I haven't followed her for 5 years. Hardly watch. Watched for a while when Malia first joined but when it became nothing but a show I stopped. Doesn't diminish the fact she was the reason I joined. These days I want her to make a contribution to society as she is a smart woman, and we need smart women to make more significant contributions. 

  3. 27 minutes ago, thinga69 said:

    Well, she's "the  face" of RLC so is logical that she has many fans and for a long time. Just think how many years this guys have flowing her every move inside the houses that she lived. You get attached by the person.

    For me, since Nov 2013 and Leora is the sole reason I joined. That was before she had ever touched her pussy. Masturbation was not in her repertoire. She only sucked and fucked Paul and then swallowed his cum. That is what drew me to her. 

    • Upvote 2
  4. 2 minutes ago, warn1ng1005 said:

    Are you sure she broke up with that german/indian boyfriend of hers? Because i´ve seen couple days ago some guy standing at the doorstep with dog. Could be him. And she´s been always calling some guy in english. 

    I've said all along that the guy they were with at the Villa decided he wanted to be with Mia not Lia and Lia let him have it on a phone call one night when I was listening, They were still in the Villa in the room currently occupied by Holly. 

  5. 33 minutes ago, james deen said:

    it would be less of a problem if they made friends with some locals that they can brings as guests but no its just seeing the same people everyday doing the exact same things everyday

    There are more than 80,000 Russians/ Ukrainians in the Barcelona area. And they have an active community, so all these women know many locals. I think a couple of the local clubs are actually owned by Russians. 

  6. 1 hour ago, thinga69 said:

    Kristy talking with a guy in English. Looks like they are arranging a date.

    Kristy likes sex and when she was in Russia we saw her have sex with a number of men... mostly under the covers. She will absolutely make him wear a condom. I have never seen her have sex without a condom. And she checks it often to make sure it is on and not broken. 

  7. 10 minutes ago, DWI said:

    I too think you're correct here. The presumtion that Martina and Alberto were together with Nelly and Bogdan last night seems like pure speculation which just can't be proven, once again. Sure, if a tryst between the four of them ever happens on camera I'd be the first in line to watch that! But at this point, just to keep my sanity, I've adopted the " If I can't see it,  I can't believe it" approach. If its off-camera, none of us knows if it happened or not. As good as a couple of translators can sometimes be, they're not perfect. So right now, the most plausible speculation would be that Martina and Alberto went out for a romantic evening together...whether it involved sex between them, who knows. Although the sexy lingerie might suggest that. But we can't be certain. Like most of us on the forum I would be happy for them if they did have a nice evening together outside the apartment. But for me, I just don't want to waste anymore time speculating about stuff because too me, that borders on fantasy. It used to be fun to read over the last few years but I've just grown tired of all the speculation...although its really funny to read Girlsfun's posts...she does bring a lot of needed humor to the forum and I appreciate her effort to keep us from taking things that happen between Martina and Alberto too seriously. I enjoy her "fly by the seat of her pants" take on things. So thanks Girlsfun for your attitude and energy.

    Stated so well. She is on here to have some fun. Too many members take her too seriously. I genuinely laugh at many of her comments. I visualize her sitting at her easy chair with the laptop in her lap typing away with a tall glass or porto next to her. Waiting for the BF to come home and fuck her brains out. Love her comments. 

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, chuck206 said:

    When Martina left the apartment, she had a backpack of sex stuff.   When she returned at about 0100, no backpack.

    When Albert left, he had a hat and a NIKE man purse / carry all around his neck.  When he returned, no hat, no carry all.

    Omedo told us earlier they would come home to take the dogs out then return to the party. Could this explain your comment?

  9. 7 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    I don’t agree my friend.  She has partied a lot on weekends during her studies.  She could party with the other RLC girls if she wanted to and was attracted to them.  But she does not.  It has nothing to do with her studies.  She has a set of friends outside of RLC that she has fun with.  It could be a few RLC girls and they have fun off cam … but with the good number of investigative sleuths here, I would imagine someone would have connected the dots if Martina was hooking up and partying with other RLC girls.  We quickly heard of her recent hook up with Nelly … so it isn’t that difficult for some of you.

    And let's not forget the language differences too. It can be a factor as well. Martina may not be comfortable yet with her English or Russian. 

  10. 1 hour ago, thinga69 said:

    And she doesn't look like the kind of girl that want her visa to expire so time is running out.

    Kristy has many friends as we witnessed in the Russian apartment. They had some pretty wild parties when all those guys and gals would show up at all hours of the night. Lots of friends and of course Alana lived there too. No reason to stay in Barcelona. I am confused as to why she is even here and make no mistake I am a HUGE fan. 

    • Upvote 3
  11. 1 hour ago, ddhm said:

    I agree with the lighting , completely wrong decision and also RLC not telling them anything .. I don’t know who does natural masturbations at the moment ,  maybe Holly sometimes and Karol ..But she’s the best show performer , at least for my taste .. I wish she had more real life times like the guy she had some weeks ago , but perhaps the negative comments from the people and the controversial characterizations about him and also not satisfying her , it happened that we never saw him again …She’s still nothing close to how she did things in B1 , I think there she was the best ( even with the shows 😇

    She was best when she had her apartment with that crazy fucker, but Ulyana will always pick the worst of the lot relative to men. It's just her nature. But she is the nastiest woman on the site bar none. Not even a close competition. 

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