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Posts posted by piedpiper1968

  1. 3 minutes ago, van the man said:

    Most attractive yes but certainly not the horniest!!! She had sexual hang ups and loved the TV remote more than anything (and not to turn the TV channels!). Pity she is married now and to what looked like a giant geek!!!

    OMG I remember when Kamilla fucked the American guy. He was very aggressive, to the point she just wanted to get it over with so she told him, in English, to "go ahead and come." 

    The only time we would get a good look at Kamila's pussy was when she had a Brazilian on her bed. lol

  2. 40 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    This is weird.  The post TLE is referencing is one I wrote last night in bed using my phone.  This morning I woke up and I looked for it and it was nowhere to be found.  But apparently it was posted at some point because TLE replied to it.  When I click on the little arrow that is supposed to take you to the original post, I get a friendly "sorry we can't find that".

    Oh well.  If anyone has it, please post it for me or DM me ... I was kind of proud of that one.

    Anyway I agree with some of the recent comments it is time to take a break.  We have two main debates going on and I am not sure the "take a break" was pointed to one or both ... but we should break from both.  First we have a battle of testosterone among EMNV, OMEDA, JMAN, NAGA, YELT and others regarding who has a better handle on what is really going on in the M&A apartment.  I adore all of you guys but do wish this could be more civil.  I have some thoughts on what I see here but will save those for a later date.  The other major debate among me, DEEPDAVE, TLE, GIRLSFUN, DDHM and others is the analysis of the relationships between these four characters M, A, N, and B.     I believe this debate is more civil yet I'm sure many find it tedious nonetheless with the long posts etc. 

    Anyway I will try to take a break.  But I can't promise!

    Nothing wrong with creating your own Topic (I think you can do that yourself) and ask those who are involved in the "controversy" to join you for a discussion. Mods, if I am wrong, please let us know. 

  3. The last I remember Kristy was seeing some big guy that had her do things she never did with anyone else. You could see her put up some resistance, but in the end yielded to his desires. We had never seen her suck a cock and he had her doing that, cum in her mouth (no way) but he got her to try it once or twice, play with her asshole. 

  4. 2 minutes ago, Kingbanks said:

    the last guy that I know of besides anthony to touch Loraine like that was Daniel but we saw how that ended 🤷‍♂️😂

    Bruno touched and kissed her a number of times naked in the tub in the bathroom now occupied by Holly. She was naked and he played with Loraine's tits a few times and they kissed. He once touched her pussy and she stopped him from doing that again. 

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