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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. Again, I don't care. I'm not here to impress anyone. I'm just here to piss you off and those who think Leora is some angel that we have been blessed to watch for all these years. She is no different than anyone else on this site. She has a pussy and tits.
  2. Let me see, I have my own jet, go when I want, where I want. Contribute to whom I want. Help my family, my community and my country so I think I am pretty happy. It's when I have to deal with dumb asses like you that I get real excited. I recognize I can't change anyone's mind on here.. and that is understood, but there are times on here when I really love to get my rocks off pissing on idiots like you.
  3. I did dumb ass. Don't need you to tell me anything. Owned a very successful IT business with more than 5300 employees for 20 years (sold it a number of years ago) and tried to help the dumb asses at RLC but they are, like you, clueless. Now I am retired so I can stay on here and argue with you all fucking day if you want.
  4. I'm in the Leora thread so I make that comment specific to Leora. But I cancelled because it is the same girls for a long time doing the same thing for a long time. And RLC keeps bringing back the same girls with the occasional newcomer. Furthermore, I have issues with the way RLC manages and that combination made me decide after almost 7 years to cancel. RLC has a great product....but!
  5. Dude, I have been watching Leora since 2013 from the very first time she masturbated on camera to June 10th. When you have watched her that long then perhaps I will give a shit about what you say.
  6. Life is a little boring at the moment due to the virus but otherwise I live a great life. And Leora's current stay is one of the reasons I cancelled. Living in the states on the west coast I am up until 0700 western Europe time so Leora and Malia are one of the few apartments still going so I cancelled. Too fucking boring.
  7. Yes I agree with home grown versus store bought. I can remember as a kid raiding gardens and taking tomatoes and green onions. They tasted much better back then if my old memory serves me right.
  8. Of course the peanut gallery speaks. I don't give a fuck what she thinks either. Or you for that matter. If I pay for her to entertain then I get to have my say. Whether she likes it or not I don't care. But it has gotten so bad I quit my subscription even though it is pittance for me. The ultimate say in any endeavor that requires a subscription.
  9. Isn't the same. My sister has a very large dairy farm in the US where I am these days and she plants a large garden every year, but they are not the same and I don't know why. But when I say fruits and vegetables are better in Spain they are noticeably better. Can't tell you why. Maybe a Spaniard on here can explain. I've owned property in Spain for years and used to travel there multiple times a year so it has been known to me for some time. No longer own property in Spain.
  10. She's been putting up with it for years. And when she is offended we will all hear about it because she will post on CC as she has done in the past. I post on here as a former follower because I want her to know I do not like what she is doing today. And I know she is reading it.
  11. Right on Moos and domi. Same shit different day. I like Leora and have been a huge supporter for a long time, but today she is only doing the minimum to justify her having her own apartment. And it is the same shit that the beautiful women in the Barcelona apartments are doing that Leora's followers criticize.
  12. Gina baby don't like your new hairdo but I can see you're bored and needed to do something. I can relate to that. And I do notice those beautiful cherry tomatoes which were delicious in Spain versus the shit we get in the States these days. All fruits and vegetables in Spain were so much better than here in the US. My favorite meal was from a restaurant in Malaga where I had a big bowl of asparagus soup.
  13. 0207 are Bonnie and Rama home? Trying to figure out who opened Alex and Lucian's bedroom door.
  14. I think Lucian tried to talk Kim into staying. Kim was in their bedroom wearing her long white top bent over Alex's night stand when Lucian came up from behind and bumped his cock against Kim's ass. I don't think she was too happy about it. I wasn't able to see it all as I am no longer a member and witnessed this through the thumbnails. It was sgortly before her and Diane left to return to their place.
  15. Has the message for non members changed recently? This is what it says today when you attempt to connect and don't have access to the particular camera. "There are no ads on the site. If you enjoy the project and would like to support the participants, please join us as a member. Support the participants?
  16. I remind CC of my comment earlier today re: Bonnie masturbating. Only way she can come. He's no good. No woman can come when you pound them for 1 minute, pull out, pound 1 minute, pull out and so on for 45 minutes. Never works.
  17. I'm thinking Kim is really horny and tonight this will be a full on threesome where Lucian will fuck both women... and with no condom too.
  18. Only way she can come. He's no good. No woman can come when you pound them for 1 minute, pull out, pound 1 minute, pull out and so on for 45 minutes. Never works,
  19. It messes with the detail. I have at least 50 cameras in my properties and this is a very well know method to mess with the night vision on cameras. The only way to get around it is to provide background lighting which I do.. wherever I have a camera now pointing I provide background lighting to where I am pointing the camera on the opposite wall from the camera.
  20. I've said it before I cancelled that this is a trick that is being passed around all the participants and I think the source is Nelly. I watched when she was showing Bonnie and in turn Bonnie showed Lucian and Alex who use it as well. Messes with the night vision on the cameras. I cancelled 10 June and have not regretted it yet.
  21. Sometimes when Albert is in bed already she puts her mobile on speaker so we can hear the voice. It is most definitely a man but I think it is her brother. Just strange on the timing as Albert is not present when she speaks to this person. Plus it is usually around 0230 or even later at times.
  22. Looked like he licked Kim's pussy longer than I have ever seen him lick his wife's pussy.
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