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Everything posted by piedpiper1968

  1. I spent hundreds of hours watching only Alex and with that comes watching Lucian. Even when the beautiful Bonnie would walk around the apartment nearly naked and topless Lucian rarely looked at her and certainly not with any lust.... so to say Lucian wants to have sex with another woman is not something I have observed. He is a one woman man in my opinion. Rama on the other hand is constantly moving so he gets a better shot of Alex and her crotch, which she willingly shares with him.
  2. Correct! She had facetimed with her BF a couple of hours earlier then fucked the guy having two sessions with him. This guy returned with Ulyana her last night of partying too. I am not sure they did anything as they spent most of the time on the roof.
  3. I meant to add earlier the alcohol that Alex and Bonnie brought with them was Jim Beam.
  4. She was amazing with that large pussy. She would sit on the arm of the couch naked and masturbate. Thank you for the very pleasant reminder.
  5. No Leora did not begin masturbation until well into 2014. Maybe even the tail end of 2014. All she did was fuck Paul and swallow his sperm. Her first time masturbating was very amateurish and that to me has been the amazing thing... watching her teach herself about her own body and her pussy. She had never had an orgasm until she masturbated. Certainly not with 3 minute Paul.
  6. Oh, I'm sorry as Olya is much better at licking Kim's pussy than Kim is licking Olya's. I have only seen them have sex twice.
  7. When Olya is with Kim it is Kim who seems uncomfortable. I think Olya would have a fabulous time having sex with Alex. Alex sort of makes you enjoy it as she is very good at it.
  8. Damn, I would have renewed for at least a month just to see Alex and Olya have sex. My two favs on RLC today. Sorry you all are paying to see the same stuff you have already seen. Maybe something different will happen. Let me know if Alex gets taken aside by any of the girls. Alex loves licking pussy and ass too.
  9. RLC does not prorate. I attempted this just last month when I had five weeks left and they told me they do not prorate.
  10. I tend to forget maybe some of these beautiful women want to go home too.
  11. That's a heart attack waiting to happen. We haven't seen anywhere near her nasty side yet and Rama is not the man to test that either. Hell, he uses a condom when he fucks her ass.
  12. Fun... not sure that is how I would describe the way I play BJ Harley. It's all about the challenge of beating the house. I have a private table away from the public, no worry about chips, my own dealer and pit boss. I play all six hands. I play a "round" (all six hands) on average every 45 seconds. And I NEVER play for more than 60 minutes (this is my number 1 rule). And I am very good!!
  13. Too funny! Well I have become more addicted since I am one that is self isolating and I am at my sisters place and not in Las Vegas. I am missing the Blackjack high more than RLC at the moment. Since self isolation I have spent maybe 12 hours a day just watching Alex as I really like her sexuality. She turns me on.
  14. Especially Lucian. The night of the big fight he was as much to blame as the big guy was. Should have left it to Rama.
  15. Finally, someone who sees what I have seen. On four occasions I have seen Rama rub Alex on the arm and the leg seductively when they were by themselves. And his massages to Bonnie have lasted 20 and 30 minutes whereas his massages to Alex have lasted 90 minutes and two of them lasted an hour. And I think Alex rather liked his attention. One of the big arguments between Alex and Lucian came just after Alex went out with Rama one morning and they were gone for more than two hours together. And it wasn't a workout morning. Edited to correct the date: My subscription to RLC expired on 10 June so I don't have access any longer.
  16. Yes, I was watching it live and was not surprised. He had like three fingers in that large pussy. lol She loves sex and doesn't care who knows as she rarely even wears any panties under her outfit. I was more surprised at Fiora after she started to go to bed taking her clothes off and putting on her night shirt then getting back into the event. She eventually masturbated before falling to sleep. I don't think she has had more than 3 hours of sleep.
  17. Well and both of these girls would have been disappointed at his cock given the size of their most recent lovers. He has a little penis.
  18. And again the drugs. Here is the link. This is why Fiora and the guy went to the roof. They brought this bag back and now Firora taking it to the bathroom. This guy brings drugs,Just another Curly. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  19. This guy is here because he supplies the pills they keep popping in the common bathroom. And has always been the supplier. He also is the guy supplying Lucian with his weed.
  20. Holy Shit... Alex swallowed about 1,000 calories of Lucian's sperm. Had to be a massive load.
  21. Practicing their wedding dance. Love it! And love the song too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiDiKwbGfIY
  22. Well that was a little nasty (and I liked it). At approximately 1655 I saw Alberto, after finger banging Martina, go over to the dog and have the dog lick his finger while Martina watched. He then tried to get Martina to sniff it but she was having no part of it. lol
  23. Thank goodness. And he is vacuuming the bottom of the pool. A nice thing to do but this pool has been neglected too long for that to really be the proper remedy. Many people have now gone to buying what is referred to as robotic pool vacuums where they run all the time when people are not in the pool and they clean the bottom and sides. Cost is quite expensive but prolongs seriously expensive maintenance.
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