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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. Seems like they are having a deep discussion. maybe about philosophy of life or just about how to go about threesome tonight?!
  2. They just left again. nowhere to be found in the apartment.
  3. Fingers cross then we will see some action. I just feel like Monsoon is the wilder one of the two. 😛
  4. Zahia does not seem impress with the guests, but monsoon might do something if they are up for the task.
  5. I think he does penetrate the blond girl (she is his girlfriend) .but the brunette one is fake, if you have notice she does not even blow him. and they do it in the kitchen as there is only one side camera , so they can get away with their scam easier.😎
  6. yeah, we were drifted away from our original discussion, but I don't think there is much more to add, so new topic is not necessary unless you feel otherwise. obviously, we were not talking about Sergio & Melissa, they are still my favorite. 😉
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