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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. LOL every comment you leave is full of rage and hate, that's a good reflection of your sad little life, Fat Old Man!! 😁
  2. LOL you don't want anything from RLC and you are not a subscriber to the site, but you are here everyday talking shit about everyone involved in that project. what sad life you have. πŸ˜ƒ
  3. Holly and her guy have been up since early morning, they are going to run out of fuel soon πŸ˜ƒ
  4. The girls have put on a nice show for Holly's guy. He seems a bit shy, If this was Carlos, he be all over the girls by now. 😁
  5. if you are intelligent enough to respond in non insultive manner. there is no need for asking mods to intervene. but if you start throwing curse words at me since I don't enjoy getting banned I'll have no choice but to ask mods to pay attention and do what needs to be done. so you just need to watch your language and be respectful. πŸ˜‰
  6. you have more post than most people on RLC topics lol don't tell me you have a life beside being here full-time moaning about Bogdan & Nelly 🀣 no one is going to believe your stories πŸ˜… you must be very miserable to spend so much time on something that you claim you do not like/enjoy. 😁
  7. you are free to say what you want and I am free to call out your BS. πŸ˜…
  8. no, it doesn't matter if you were a subscriber 10 years ago or whenever it was. right now you are not, so everything you write is just utter nonsense. I just like to point that out from time to time so that if there are some new members reading your post they know they should not pay much attention to it. it's more like a BS alert. πŸ˜…
  9. lol you are funny. I have my criticism and I have made comments about them in the past. but in general, I am happy with RLC otherwise I would not continue to pay them. if watching RLC made me unhappy, I would cancel my sub and I'll move on with my life. unlike you.
  10. well, you can write whatever you want, but it's ridiculous to have a strong opinion about something that has nothing to do with you. it's like you have a restaurant in your town that you never buy anything from them, and you have no intention to do so in the future too, but you go and write on their walls everyday, demanding them to change their menu. 🀣 why should anyone take your opinion seriously? it's just ridiculous.
  11. It's ok. you are not a subscriber to RLC. so you don't need to worry about it.
  12. yeah lol he said that he was in paradise πŸ˜ƒ. the funny part was when he was playing with Amira's tits and told Carlos "he was preparing them for him " πŸ˜…
  13. Loraine is really hot. having sex with her is a bonus for Anthony πŸ˜ƒ
  14. I don't know. they could have received some good news from their family/friends. I wish I could understand their language. It'd be a lot more fun to watch if we they spoke english all the times πŸ˜ƒ like last night when they were talking in english because of Carlos, it was a lot more interesting to watch 😜
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