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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. I mean people who are on this forum are obviously more enthusiastic about the site than the ones who are not. you only need to do a google search to find out about the forum. so if someone is really interested in the project they normally come across CC in no time.
  2. Same here, I used to check CC just to look at the pictures, I only created an account when I got annoyed by CC viewing restriction for non-members. 😅
  3. I think most of the subscribers are on CC, majority just read or look at the pictures. and only a tiny minority is active. for the ones who are not on CC, it tells me they are not as invested in the project, and those kind of people wouldn't care enough to make tickets and report an incident 😃 JMO 😜
  4. I did. they need to impose some penalty on them based on who is to blame. if it's the manager, they should not allow him to open any new places. two of Scott's places have gone offline in the last couple of days, they need to tell him to get it under control or he won't be managing anything. the same goes for other managers. they need to let people know what is or is not acceptable. cutting off the feed should be absolutely the last thing they do, not the first.
  5. I agree with most of what you say. I just think a fine would be more appropriate, or maybe they should not allow managers to open new places if they can't actually manage them. but cutting the feed punishes viewers more than participants and the managers.
  6. yes, that's the real issue. they have no standard when it comes to selecting participants.
  7. from what I understand there was just some childish argument and pushing 🤷‍♂️
  8. I agree with that. if they have done something serious, maybe it's best just to ban them. hiding a place for a minor incident doesn't make any sense.
  9. no, if there is drug use, sexual violence or anything serious, It'd be appropriate to take them offline and don't let them come back. but for smaller incidents like this one, I think a fine would suffice. what's the point of taking an apartment offline for a few hours or days just to let them come back. if they are coming back, it means whatever they did was not serious enough for vhtv to eliminate them. and this is happening way too often now, which is annoying as hell.
  10. That's the point. we did not see what happened, and why she fell. no, other viewers might send tickets too, and they have the right to do so. I just think VHTV should not pay any attention to them if they not factual. they should fine them for covering the cams. taking the place offline doesn't make much sense.
  11. when there are 40 online apartments with over 100 participants, sometime things will go wrong. that's just normal. but VHTV needs to find a way to deal with such incidents in more efficient way. cutting of the feed is not the solution.
  12. It's mostly people on the forum overdramatizing some small incidents.
  13. that's exactly what I mean by minor incident. thanks for the explanation.
  14. I did not see any violence as you are describing. that gif doesn't give the full picture. she could have lost her balance and fell backward.
  15. yes. but I wasn't talking about the financial implications. I am just saying there is a better way to deal with these circumstances than just taking the apartments offline. RLC has been around longer than VH and if they are able to manage similar situations without cutting off the feeds, why can't vhtv do that too ? they just chose the easiest solution, and it's just sickening.
  16. yes, he be upset. but what do you think would happen next ? They will decide not to have parties and invite guests. and they will have their fun outside the apartment. and all we get to see as viewers be more people sleeping all the times, with some routine boring sex. and then you be complaining like you did earlier on this topic 😃
  17. If something serious happens then it make sense to put an apartment offline. but so many times VHTV just hide the apartments for a minor incident , like people arguing, someone pushes someone else, a cam is covered for a little while, or a viewer feels uncomfortable about something. this is just bullshit. it's a fucking adult site. I have been watching RLC for months now and the same kind of incident has happened on their platform too, but not even once they have cut off the feeds and left viewers in dark. I am sure there are better ways to deal with rules violation. maybe to start with, it's best if they screen the tenants, brief them on their rules, and only let people who are responsible and can be trusted to use their platform. cutting off the feed is just lazy and reactionary.
  18. They don't earn anything from last night's party. so if they are fined, they'll have to pay for it from their past or future earnings.
  19. Participants only receive a fraction of your money if you choose to watch them. if you are not watching them they get 0. so the best way to deal with apartments that you don't like, is to ignore them. when enough subscribers don't pay any attention to an apartment, their income drops and they won't be able to pay their bills and support themselves, and they will be gone in no time.
  20. Everything will be fine, if they don't invite guests, and sleep all the time. VHTV is a fucking joke.
  21. B5 is already a lot more fun to watch with two couples in it. the presence of Taylor & Piper had made this place unwatchable. I think last night was just the first step, they are just getting familiar with each other and becoming more comfortable with one another. I am sure there are going to be much more interesting events happening in this apartment in the near future.
  22. VHTV has become so annoying. all it takes is a member reporting a minor incident and they take the realm offline. this is exactly why we have so many do-nothing apartments. this is BS 😡
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