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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. Holly & Daniel's sex was hot. they make a good couple. good thing is that he decided to attend B4's new year party instead of B2. ๐Ÿ˜‹
  2. I had no idea that Bogdan wants to fuck the Queen too. did you get that idea from the way he was looking at her on TV or something ? ๐Ÿ˜„
  3. Bogdan is sitting close to Megan, I guess he is going to fuck her next, right after Holly and Ariana ๐Ÿคฃ
  4. they just had a big fight. Kira tried to walk out naked but Sky stopped her, that's when she started kicking and screaming. I am not sure what led to this.
  5. Some pictures from Blonde & BF's interrupted sex last night - (first pic from this morning)
  6. they need to get rid of extras if they can. there is no point in having those single guys around, they just eat their foods and act as cockblockers ๐Ÿ˜…
  7. or the concept of knocking on the door and not entering the room when people are having sex ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  8. one of the parasites interrupted the blonde girl and her boyfriend having sex. he just walked into the room while they were at it. WTF ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
  9. I read the blonde and her boyfriend had sex before it went offline. I did not see it myself. hopefully they'll do it again.
  10. I have read the comments. there are obviously a few members here who like to take this apartment down just to hurt Scott. don't become a tool to help their agenda.
  11. looks like she was pushed. the gif you posted the other day wouldn't show the whole incident. anyway, I don't understand what you are trying to achieve here by reposting it. they seem to be ok for now.
  12. right. I don't know why would a 19-20 years old boy or girl want to be in a serious exclusive relationship. When I think about my own experience when I was their age and I remember all the silliness, jealousy and arguments it just makes me laugh as how naive I was in taking those relationships seriously. They just need to chill, enjoy their youth and have fun.
  13. No, I am happy that they spend more time at home. I don't care about what they do outside the apartments as I can't watch them. I just wish they had more social life inside the apartments, wether it's mixing with other tenants or inviting their own friends. we have seen more social life in b2 and b4 than in b1. the best night they had in B1 was when they had a wild party with C&C and Amalia, after that night it's been very quiet.
  14. I see. so the fact that their feed was cut off didn't protect her from violence ๐Ÿ˜ฒ but TBH the bruises on her right arm could have been the result of her incident from the other night.
  15. she is my favourite girl and I watch her more than others. but she has her own routine, nothing too especial or different than other girls. and she spends a lot of time on her own. TBH the fact that her housemate are too boring does not help her either. Sera is the least exciting girl and Radis hasn't come out of her shell yet. B1 has become very boring to watch.
  16. pretty blonde is gone. but her boyfriend is still there, so hopefully she might come back ๐Ÿ˜‹
  17. It's more stupid if you know that they have only been together for a couple of weeks now and they met on VHTV. from what I understand (and it's very obvious lol ) Freddy asked Connor if he likes to have a threesome with Harley and him ? and Connor eagerly accepted the offer ๐Ÿ˜„ (who can blame him ? ๐Ÿ˜… ) . Angel overreacted when Freddy was trying to get her to join as well.
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