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Everything posted by bluewinner

  1. how has she been unpredictable ? she only lays on her bed and masturbate couple of times a day 🙄 🥱
  2. I know. I don't think they are making a lot of money. they are probably just making enough to survive. but if you notice VH has a very high turnover. a lot of places are gone in no time. if you take a screenshot of the apartment's listing today and compare it with a list from 3 moths earlier or later, you see what I mean 😜
  3. I know. but that city isn't too far from this one. so if they want they can move here. there are also more places in this city, so it be easier for them to socialize with other tenants.
  4. yeah, doesn't seem they are going to last long either.
  5. This was actually a nice apartment. I hope scott can just put some new tenants in there instead of closing it all together. I suggest they give it to Jeniffer & Bradley if they haven't got their own place yet.
  6. that's good. He did not deserve to have a place on his own. inviting junkies over was just plain stupid.
  7. They hit the bathroom cam right and left so the black square was moving around all the times 😃
  8. they are very stupid, no doubt in that lol the mirror wasn't broken, Still stuck some papers on the right hand side to cover the toilet's reflection.
  9. possibly, they were taking drugs in the bathroom, and their image was visible in the mirror or the glass door. and a "concerned" member sent a ticket and reported them 😃
  10. Thanks, I hope it works out well 👍
  11. It was actually a hot threesome 😃. Harley had a good pounding 👍
  12. The only person she can be upset with is Connor. they did not force him to have threesome with them, he chose to take part in it. maybe it's for the best that she left, Connor obviously doesn't want to be in a monogamous relationship, he is just having fun and trying to fit in, Angel on the other hand, wants to form a stable relationship with him, which is not going to happen. if they joined as a couple, there will only be more fights and drama and apartment going offline, so it's good that she decided to leave now, to avoid all the future BS. Connor will have no problem finding another girl.
  13. Hi @Ken_696 can you tell us what's going on with Angel ? is she coming back or is she gone for good ? thanks.
  14. yeah, but they don't normally care for the restrictions. and you are right, he might have his own plans, but then again it'd be more fun if he can make it.
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