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Everything posted by albacore

  1. Well that would not be too hard (pun intended) to do if I were on the balcony with her - with or without sex!!
  2. Harley - maybe you should back off a little on the guy. If you didn't see or hear the action live .... Basically all I am saying is opinion here spin out of control and become fact when we really know nothing. We can't see on the balcony and all sound from there is muffled at best. Of course I could be totally wrong on this too .....
  3. I have to say I expected a different looking guy. I think she is only 22 years old and I heard he is younger. For as much traveling that she has done she does not seem very sophisticated in her taste in men. She still has a lot of time and life to learn and figure it out.
  4. This is so typical. So you think if he did not post "as many" pics this would not have happened? Did you ever think that the software they use was updated to now allow them to clamp down more than before. And, that if this updated software was in place a year ago, then we would have missed all of those pic's? This site is nothing to RLC. There are plenty of sites that posted their pictures. Many much more accessible than being a paid camcaps member to view. We were left alone for a long time while other site took them down. But people here could take them and sell or post on other sites. I think RLC clamps down now on all so those pics do not make to to other sites as well. And the easy way to do that is to go after anyone. But it is bigger for them than just posting here. My opinion is people (not the original posters) took the pics posted here and put them on other sites (which then propagated throughout the net). So maybe we should blame those people - not the posters who put the content in our paid site to be seen! I guess we will have to agree to dis-agree.
  5. Has anyone noticed the new tattoo on Maya? It is on the front of her thigh and looks to connect somehow to the bottom of her current one. It appears to be the face of a girl but is very bizarre looking. Kind of crazy.
  6. That is bullshit. It is not euromike's fault! We all looked at and were thankful for those pic's and that he took the time to post them - as well as others too. If anything it is the hunger of those here who do not subscribe to RLC to see what they can't. And they all looked at the pics and commented on them as if they saw the contents of the pic's when they happened and formed opinions of the people on RLC based on them - many times in error. The fault is RLC alone. RLC is protecting what they believe is their content. Which they warned on their site they would do. Although I do not like the aggressive way that they apparently are enforcing it - without warning or opportunity to get back in - it is their site to do what they want. I am appreciative of the work of euromike and others so I could see what I missed since I am not tuned into RLC as much as most here apparently are. I will miss those pics too. But to blame them is just wrong. We all figured that this would happen sooner or later and if anything the posters and camcaps got away with it longer than most other sites. We should be thankful to those who posted not blame them.
  7. You know Kamilia never was out in the open with getting herself off. She was mostly covered and it was usually dark in the room. In Barcelona she was that way too. Hell in Barcelona her first tour she was very limiting for the first couple of weeks in even showing nudity. In the bath it was different but still not real obvious. As for Kristy - she does use different products that sometimes color the water but not always. Usually you can see her very clearly. And Kristy is another that was not out in the open either. She is usually doing herself under the covers and in the dark. I don't see a big change. People here say Kamilia goes into the bathroom to masturbate but since no one can see what the is doing we really don't know. Also I think the are trying to be somewhat private about it. I get the feeling that some of their friends may have access to the site. I thought in one of Kiteks translations it was mentioned that during the massage Kristy gave Kamilia that Kamilia said her boyfriend commented about it. Maybe they don't want their friends watching. It is just a thought.
  8. And that is the great thing about RLC if you don't like one apartment then go look at another. I for one am glad K&K are here. I like them both. I really can't find a reason to complain. Maybe I am just strange that way ....
  9. yes she just woke up crying. Anyone have an idea why other than clivebb???
  10. Pressing 2 gets you to "Single Wide Mode" as opposed to "Single Mode". They are options at the top. Although "single wide mode" is larger it is than the normal "single mode" it is not full screen. The full screen option is larger but interestingly - really not significantly larger. Seems silly to allow option 2 but not full screen mode.
  11. I have to agree with this too. I know it is only speculation but when K&K were in Barcelona this board lit up in such a positive way. IMHO they were a huge draw and as I remember it (and I may be wrong on this) - bigger than any so far. But you really had to have been here then to know. Alisa and some others were also great to see at the time - with what seemed like less drama.
  12. Not to be picky here, but if you eliminate all possibilities then you have nothing. I think you may have meant "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth" I think Sherlock Holmes said that. Honestly I think that Snaky will not bother to take the time to do this. He really doesn't need the hassle. Personally I am fine with what Kitek and Yury translate. It certainly does not sound out of the ordinary or surprising to me. I am appreciative of their efforts. I would welcome Snaky to join them so we have even more to understand.
  13. WTF? I can not figure out what all of the fuss is about here. Kitek spends the time (which I commend him for) to translate so those who tune into RLC can get a better idea of what is going on instead of just seeing what would be a silent video, and people complain about it. Jeez - don't read his posts if you don't want to know what is being said or if you are afraid it will damage your pre conceived beliefs about these girls. IMHO there was nothing that I read that surprised me about her. Hell she was what I (and probably others here) were banging (or trying too) when we were 24. She lives on camera - nothing should be surprising. The more disturbing thing I learned is that it seems if one is persistent Kamilia's no can become a yes. It appears this D guy continues to be pushy and it is very hard for her to say no to him. For some reason she thinks that he will just want to now be friends with her - and that is not going to happen. They really do not understand guys.
  14. I am ot missing anything here and I do not follow you assumption as fact. I believe your wrong in your assumption that they can't tell people if your want to live in the apartment (that RLC pay's for) at no cost then you must allow the cameras. And it is not the case that if they could they would. You assume that. However to me it seems for some reason, that no one here knows why, they have chosen to turn them off. Like I said in my previous post either a deal was reached by the girls or they chose to rent it out instead of broadcasting. Or for some other reason which we will never know. Actually it doesn't really matter either way, but you make your opinion sound like fact, but my assumption is certainly as plausible as yours. Actually more so to me.
  15. I am not sure where you get this information. I would think RLC can force anyone to do whatever they like regarding cameras if it is their apartment and they put them there and they are paying the rent. Now if the people stay there who do not like cameras, well then they do not have to stay there. But if it is RLC's apartment then it is their rules. It is very odd that they are off all of this time. Possibly one of the girls cut a deal with RLC and let her parents stay there, but my understanding was that a friend was staying. Either way seems odd to have a camera apartment and turn them off. Luckily there are other cams to watch.
  16. I agree that ALL should pay some tax. Many people not just corporations pay no federal tax. They should pay some tax too. I like the idea of a flat tax personally. However, if the government and politicians only budget for expected revenues it would help a lot too. Right now the budgets have no relations to expected revenue - just cover what they want to spend it on. If we as individuals did this we would all be bankrupt and in jail! And the USA is not the only country in this situation.
  17. We will have to agree to disagree. In my opinion - it was great that they were brought back. I can not for the life of me find a reason to complain about that. Everyone was thrilled when they showed up again. We should be happy. You are charged $45 whether they were brought back or not. The charge is not for 1 apartment but for all. Further, a cost option is $99 for 3 months or about a dollar per day. Less than a drink or smoking or a cup of coffee. I am not here to defend or prosecute RLC but the cost for the number of apartments, 14 at the moment, does not seem unreasonable - to me. Hell when I joined originally I think there were only about 4 or 5. Now if the ONLY reason you joined RLC is for their apartment then you do get screwed this month. And I do understand frustration at that. But I would still rather they be here as an option to view when they are home than not at all.
  18. Bad idea?? So you would rather that they had not come back at all than to have them go on vacation every few months?
  19. Free to express it too. But in a forum setting it helps to communicate it in a way that implies "opinion" not ridicule or rudeness. In a forum setting as this words and phasing do communicate (and mis communicate) much.
  20. With all due respect stncld I fail to see how this place is better without Nora. Not that I was a great fan of hers - but was't a hater either. She just was there to me. But she at least did some things to keep you interested and has some decent turnover of the girls to keep you interested. Now people lay in bed all day or just exist to fill their time slot. Hardly anyone downstairs if you are a free viewer (I am not). It does not matter if she comes back or not but to say it is just fine is hard for me to agree with. I hardly look at this apartment anymore and it used to be the main one for me.
  21. No not necessarily. However, knowing what they are saying is better than not knowing what they are saying. Look I really don't care about any of the people on RLC. They come and then leave never to be seen again. To me it is nothing more than like watching a TV series. When it is over they are gone. My life is outside of RLC - I don't live to watch them. I don't even care about watching them have sex. I watch because I am bored at times and don't really like TV. But, if I do tune in from a voyeur standpoint to see what I see it is nice to have some understanding of what they are communicating about to each other. I just don't get why someone wouldn't Further, telling someone who is translating for all of us to stop because you don't like how it sounds in somewhat presumptive ..... and frankly rude.
  22. No - Kitek the more info the better. Thanks for your effort.
  23. From what I saw Aida came into Adele's room and she Adele looked annoyed that she came in without knocking . Aida then confronted her in conversation and Adele just looked at het phone the whole time and motioned to her in conversation but it all seemed negative. I came back a few minutes later and they were still talking but it did non seem friendly, more forced. Adia looked like she was upset at times and was looking for an explanation as to while things are the way they are. This is base only on observation as I don't speak the language. I did not see her leave and had to tune out during the conversation. But I have to say Adele looked like she was mad and seemed somewhat like an asshole toward Aida - who form the outside seemed to want to know what the issue was. Personally Adele to me was always a cold person. She was alone until Ilona left and then became friends with Danya. Before that she was the one outside. It seems Adele wants to keep Aida outside now. Maybe it is my bias but Adele wants control here now. I can't say for sure but hopefully a translator will clear it up.
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