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Everything posted by franklin

  1. It was the nickname given to the girl by CC member "jontee" when Jane, Dick and her had a weapons-grade threesome on January 25th this year. She was known as "yellow pants" before that.
  2. Jesus fucking Christ - nitrous and poppers at 10.00 in the morning.
  3. Maybe RLC are completing the maintenance they started yesterday. New cams? Better cams? Is Jewel finally moving in as a resident?
  4. It's his 12 hour shift day, so if Asia goes to work this evening he may have a guest pay a visit around 20.30 There's been no apartment action snce last Sunday so chances are good.
  5. Asia's back and dressed to stay. No home action tonight, I guess.
  6. Mr Boombastic left for work at 15.00 - if he keeps to his usual hours, he'll be back at the apartment by 21.30 - and if Asia is working this evening she'll not be back until after midnight. So, that opens up a couple of spare hours for Hakeem to fit in a game of Scrabble with a good friend, if he's so inclined.
  7. She was carrying a small coloured packet into the toilet a while ago, and there was a flash of white in her maxi-pants soon after - I think it may be her time of the month. I dont think even Hakeem is brave enough to go there for a few days.
  8. Out on the town last night so I missed this action. I'm assuming there was a clean start on the grid, some smooth negotiation of the corners and good acceleration down the straight, but an almighty crash just before the finish line. Should I bother watching the race highlights?
  9. Ha! Hakeem was about to leave at 16.30 because he thought he was late for work. Then he realised he was actually early. 😂 Anyway, he told Asia he was working until midnight, so little chance of an illicit liaison this evening. Unless he's lying. ...or Asia brings her mystery lover back to the apartment...
  10. In the small bathroom and the hidden corner of the guest room, hopefully. I'm fed up of Jane, Dick and guests hiding away bearing in mind I'm paying part of their rent
  11. Hakeem gave a clue why there was no action yesterday - there was torrential rain in Prague so he didn't even go out to buy food. Anyone know the weather forecast for Prague today? 😜
  12. Their "discussions" just went on and on all night - here's the overnight activity chart for the balcony when they took a cigarette break but continued talking.
  13. I'm inclined to agree with you, although Eva's reaction to sex when she wants it herself is "positive" ("да, да, да!!....") It's a passive-aggressive battleground at the moment with Eva's pussy as the weapon-of-choice. Given the right man (not Sam), peace will break out and I'm sure Eva will return to the happy, settled and passionate girl she once was.
  14. And at 03.56 Eva masturbates in front of Sam who remains at his keyboard, occasionally glancing over to see what's going on. Nothing to see here, folks - everything is back to abnormal ... 😵
  15. All three back in the apartment again. A re-run of Monday, perhaps?
  16. Hakeem being very suspicious and not very discreet on the phone around 22.00 He was mainly speaking in Yoruba (probably) and Patois, but the occasional proper English grabbed my attention: "catch us one-on-one", "she lived normal life", "I lie so much but no choice, bro", "we've done it for, like, one month now", "break-up with her", "emotional, mental issues", "you leave this girl for me", "house with black (something) and white beauty" Later... "So what's your plan for her - I want her to finish her school so we can start working and living life properly - they said OK, thank you, we'll speak to your girlfriend now. And I left there and they called my girlfriend in" "Nazis", "Immigration", "...the problem, she worked during her studies" "She come round on Sunday - she blocked me..." (that would have been Camo Girl), I've said it once and I'll say it again - they should make this into a TV series.
  17. You know what will happen now you've said that, don't you...
  18. I've only just logged on again. Has the X-Clean taken place? I see Asia's underwear remains uncovered on the balcony drying rack, so I'm predicting a rather dull evening and prolonged periods of not getting it on.
  19. I've still got that audio track - I'll have a listen in. EDIT: Spot on, happyone - a bit of a confused conversation but it went like this: Girl - Might want apartment set up to seeing another girl? H - [shrugs] Girl - yes? Just asked... H - no Girl - [laughs] (indistinct comment) H - about the same I guess, you see I live in Prague, (indistinct comment) H - I have a baby Girl - what? H - I have a daughter Girl - yah? H - I have a baby Girl - sah? H - I have a baby Girl - you didn't say that H - now you know Girl - In (place name) H - no, in (place name) Girl - what? H - (place name) Girl - go again? Girl - so why......? H - why the service? Girl - maybe to make them into your daughter? Girl - (indistinct comment) H - It's my apartment Girl - OK H - so I can do anything I like..... back in this apartment. Girl - how old is she? H - three (sound unclear - could have been "thirty" but that doesn't fit the baby daughter bit) So, not a lot of sense in the flow of what they said but there you go, apparently Hakeem claims to have a 3 year old daughter!
  20. Wow! I missed that gem completely! Any more info - which girl?
  21. Another bit of perspective on Hakeem from this morning. A&H were talking about her hostess job again. He said that he had also worked in Prague restaurants before and was always shocked at the amount of food wasted. He took it upon himself to bag up the edible leftovers and give it away to the homeless, who nicknamed him "African". He still gets called that by the homeless who recognise him. Also during that time he was riding a tram and came across a destitute man and woman who looked cold and hungry - he gave them CZK500 note each. He said the rest of the people on the tram couldn't believe that anyone would do that, let alone a black man. Once again, he may be spinning tales for Asia's consumption, but if he's not, there's a really charitable, nice guy underneath that gigolo exterior.
  22. I have to agree. For me Belle fails on two counts - the trout-pout that is an instant turn off (one of the worst things a woman can do to her appearance IMHO), and her exaggerated porn star acting and talk. I can go and watch that 24/7 on pornhub or xvideos if that's what I wanted to see. Give me natural face, body and mannerisms every time, with the ability to "let go" without it appearing contrived Rose managed to combine all of those perfectly.
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