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Posts posted by Moosecini

  1. 1 minute ago, Deepdave said:

    You would think that she would have been there by now.  Maybe someone is coming to visit.  Normally their cleaning day is Saturday.  Their apartment always needs a good sweeping and wiping at least once a week whether they have visitors or not.  They both take a shower every day.  How strange is that?  Something else to be worried about.

    Well, the party has migrated over to B7 and b4 has cleared out.  She's gone to parties after dark many times.  I still think there's a good chance she'll end up there.  Either way, she seems to be in a particularly good mood and excited about SOMETHING.

  2. They're getting my vote for the wrost and most boring couple EVER on RLC.  It's too bad... she's cute and I would have liked to see her in a better environment. They look almost like transients with basically nothing to their name, but his laptop.  It's rediculous 🙄

  3. I agree with all.  She's certainly a welcome addition, although I regret missing the action last night.  I will say that I applaud their attention to dental hygiene, however, I can honestly say, I've NEVER seen anyone go after their teeth THAT much!  There is such a thing as OVER brushing. 🤣

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  4. Just now, tle said:

    I think you may be correct... They were back pretty quick.. I think they would have stayed with him during the procedure otherwise... Maybe we'll se Blackie back in a few days...

    I'm not sure.  I think they left him for the doctor to test and those tests are what he was talking about on the phone.  Alberto is pacing and looks miserable.  I'd bet that was the last we'll see of Blackie.  On a personal note, I'm glad we didn't have to watch the poor thing pass on cam.  Alberto's going to be a wreck for a while.  Is Martina still out with the dog?

  5. 3 minutes ago, DWI said:

    I have a feeling this is going to be a very sad day in this apartment. Martina is clearly distraught as to be expected for sure. We had to put our dog down after 19 years and it was one of the worst days of our life. That was 20 years ago and we just haven't emotionally been ready for a new dog. Our pets, dogs in particlar, have that special bond with humans...they truly are "man's best friend". Dogs are wonderful creatures and humans are better because of them. I feel so sorry for Martina and Alberto today. Kinda breaks your heart to watch this play out.

    It IS hard, but you have to focus on the quality of life.  I had a dog lose its leg and it cost thousands, but eventually he was happy and could run faster than my son, because he was young.  For so many pets I've seen within my extended family, they spend enormous amounts to prolong the life of their dogs, and in too many cases, it's obvious to me that they're ignoring the quality of life.  The dog is MISERABLE, but alive for the benefit of the owner only.  It's clear they love Blackie completely, but he's an OLD pup and attempting to fix him now seems wrong.  it's his time.

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