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Posts posted by Moosecini

  1. What happened after Candella left?  I was off for a few minuted and when I get back on, I see Martina in the guest room staring into space and Alberto on the couch with his head in his hands like he's upset.  Did they fight about something?  They seemed alright right after Candella left.  🤔

  2. Well, it appears the suspected precise location for their apartment that I was given is incorrect.  Based on the reflection off their kitchen window this morning, the building across from them does not match what can be seen on Google.  I do find it strange though that in the past year, direct views of the suspect building have been removed from Google, including the pic of Martina standing outside.  Gotta think RLC may have had something to do with that.  I also couldn't reconcile the fact that they had windows on both sides of the apartment with sunlight.  This building I though it was couldn't possibly have that.

    And for those who feel the immediate need to jump on me as a stalker...

    1. It's just a curiosity

    2. I live thousands of miles away

    3. I didn't find it in the first place.  I was told.

    So, take a pill and move on.  Just making an observation. 😉

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  3. 2 hours ago, ddhm said:

    Well , since I am really the complainer 😝 when I see things that aren’t good for the viewers and as I have done in other similar occasions , it is fair to say that Martina being absent and not getting the info , it is absolutely disrespectful to the subscribers .There are many who watch only her , I don’t mind if it is Martina’s mistake not informing RLC or being weekend and the Barcelona IT hub isn’t working so as to put the airplane sign but i have been strictly criticizing Tweety last week for the info on holidays , 
    Leora in the past of being away from the apartment for almost two days without info , this is complete nonsense with the non updated Martina’s holidays 🤬 🤬 🤬 😡 😡

    My point exactly. 👍

  4. 6 minutes ago, JenniferMom said:

    I get exactly what you want but I don't think you understand how much time this would take.  What we typically get is a summary of the conversation.  To provide a transcript of the spoken words would take even more time than I have been talking about.  Yes I am with you, this would be totally awesome, to get a transcript word-for-word in English.  But this is not possible unless someone is devoted pretty much full time doing transcription.  That is not going to happen.  Look at last night's argument.  It lasted about an hour.  Who is going to listen to this, type it up, play it back several times because undoubtedly things will be missed.  It's just not going to happen.   My expectations are a lot lower, i.e. I would appreciate a simple summary of what they were arguing about, what Martina's POV is, what Alberto's POV is, and how it ended.  YES, a simple explanation opens the door to a lot of interpretations.  But it's better than nothing in my opinion.

    So we should indeed be kinder and gentler to our translators because if they are listening and sharing with us, they are not spending time with their families, their loved ones, etc.

    Honestly, what we need is for RLC or someone else to establish some apartments in the US!  I guarantee there are plenty of girls over here that would jump at the chance to be a participant in a nice place on a California, Florida or Hawaiian beach.  Don't care if it's run by an European host, but if they're in the US, we won't have to learn Valencian, Catalian, Spanish, Russian or anything else.  I, for one, would immediately switch to a site like that where I could understand EVERYTHING the participants are saying.  Savvy? 😉

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  5. 7 minutes ago, 1r1f2 said:

    If these "all-knowing" people on the forum would just stick to facts and use their ears, and if there were real translators instead of "self-appointed" translators, you would have known that Martina got the news that someone close to her had prostate cancer .

    But of course it is easier to exchange fantasies and to interpret something into every gesture or movement....

    As you are new here... you will certainly find we have a serious lack of true translators.  We have a couple we basically rely on, but if you are who you claim, any factual translation you could provide would be greatly appreciated. 🖕

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  6. 1 minute ago, tle said:

    She's wearing a ring this morning/afternoon... She just took it off

    Yeah, I just noticed that too.  Kinda missed what finger it was on.  Could have just been any 'ol ring.  Let the speculation fly as to if it's an engagement ring from Alberto... a promise ring from Nelly... whatever.  Regardless, she was NOT happy on the phone at all.

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